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  • Dedicado a Gordon the Dragon.

So I got nominated by my fellow Smexi glitter queen (@Ellen_sugarcube4) Raven Blaze to do this thingy... And I do love a challenge.. *laughs* wth my life is ridiculous this'll be fun.

NÚMERO EINS: (<- don't ask) my real name is Charlotte Annie -------- (and I'm not gonna include the last for reasons due to the fact that I'm actually a ninja and if I tell you I'll track you down and drink all your coffee) but people tend to call me Charlie which is actually a pretty good name... Highfive parents, YEAH. I would however LOVE to change my name to Bliv (Oblivion Armageddon) because C'MON who wouldn't... (Hush children... XD ) plus I'm used to Bliv now... *shrugs*

NUMBER TWO: Currently my fav colour is Khaki or Burgundy and my fav absence of colour is BLACK (cuz it's pretty flipping sexy...) for ages it was grassy green and before then pink... WHAT THE HELL BLIV?!!! PINK?!! WHAT IS UR PROBLEM?!! EEHHH.. *dies*

I was so strange. Nothing's changed.

NUMBER THREE: When I'm older I want to be a children's TV presenter for the BBC... I like the idea and want to be a bit like Helen Skelton... Sorry but she's wicked. I also like the idea of being an animator, a book cover designer, a publisher (my dad's an author and it looks kinda.. I dunno cool? With the media and all that...) or working in the West End (<- this will never happen... It's so hard to get into.. )

NUMBER FOUR AND SOME PICKLES: I like to think I was a normal child... This is a lie.

When I was four I decided I wanted to flip my toy car for like, no reason.. (y'know those plastic ones you get and like collect stones and put them in the boot.. Yeah you got it.. ) it failed and it hurt. Mainly the car.

At seven my life ambition was to be a 'sheep tamer' WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT?!! WHY WOULD I EVE.. Oh let's stop this my mind is frazzling.

Um.. For one my fav colour was pink for many years... What was with my head?

And much more stuff which I care not to recount.

NUMBER FIVE: My fav artists are Bastille, Simple Plan, Fallout Boy, Avril Lavigne, Avicii, Queen, errrrrr.... Errr.... Some more stuff... I actually really like the RWBY soundtrack.. Does anyone else get me on this? No? Okay..

NUMBER SIX: My fav song is Oblivion by Bastille, hence the name, no? Well YES! (I don't.. I don't knw either, I'm sorry...)

NUMBER SEVEN: Apparently one of my flaws is apologising too much.. LOOK IM SORRY!! It ticks people off.. Ahah can't think why.. *awkward pause* sorries.

NUMBER EIGHT AND AND A FREE STICKER OF A PLATYPUS: My fav sports are Lacrosse (it's like.. Awesome...) Rowing, Soccer or Football (circle your preferred) rugby... Um.. Yeah.

My footie team is Aston Villa.. My rugby is the All Blacks and I play all of them.. Although I'm majorly out of practise for footie and rugby BECAUSE NONE OF MY FRIENDS PLAY!! It's depressing. :(

NUMBER NINE: I go to an all girl's school... It's um.. Eventful. I'm not stereotypical so it's rather interesting... I have my partner though SO I DONT DIE! (Love you tache) and my little fellowship :D .. URGHHH WWHHYYY?!!! I'm in year 10 currently and we're doing a lovely thing called GCSEs AHAHA FUN TIMES.. -.-

NUMBER TEN yay half way! Have a cupcake! : I was born in England on the 25th April and when I was four moved to New Zealand where I stayed there for six 1/2 years North of Auckland and moved back.... Yay! I have a hobbit passport as such.. Take that future non-existent Gap year!!

NUMBER ELEVEN: I have a little sister and a big brother (I love the way I'm only mentioning this now XD ) I also have a border collie called Bob (he's on the front) and HAD four pet fish called Tanith, Ghastly, Skulduggery and Valkyrie... They were eaten by herons.


NUMBER TWELVE: I loathe attention... I'm one of those girls that likes to wear black to be in the crowd and keep out of it... Also black is sexy soo..

NUMBER THIRTEEN: The picture on the front is me, yes (ahah not the fish I just thought it looked cuter than my face) ... My selfies ain't good... In fact, I'm not quite sure how you're all not dead it's so horrific.. XD I have brown hair, brown eyes and I'm 5:6 I think...

NUMBER FOURTEEN: writing has changed my life. Nuff said.

NUMBER FIFTEEN: I have a small collection of fortes... Maths isn't one of these.

Maths is a bane to my existence, I don't get it.. AND I NEVER WILL. My 'fortes' do however consist of Art, Drama, English, History and smiling... I like smiling. And hugs. ^-^

NUMBER SIXTEEN: I don't believe in inevitability. ;)

NUMBER SEVENTEEN: I'm pretty carefree... I've actually never checked my weight and have no desire to *shrugs* I mainly eat fruit and veg and avoid sweets and chocolate.

Told u I was weird.

NUMBER EIGHTEEN AND THE CHOCOLATE BAR I REFUSED TO TOUCH: I drink tea. Lots of tea. I'm well known on here for my coffee addiction and I'd like to say... I really don't drink that much of it.. Hm.

NUMBER NINETEEN: SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT IS ABSOLUTELY MY LIFE. COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY. (Cept friends and family o course) I am not joking when I say me think about it every second of the day... Every.second. If you're like me you know that everything that happens makes immediate reference and your life would be nothing without it. My fav character is Dexter Vex (for obvious reasons.. I love u baby ^-^ ) and I cried all the way through DOTL. I am also obsessed with Doctor Who (my fav Dr being 11 and my assistant being Clara ) BBC Sherlock (EEEHH I love chu...) LOTR (LETS HUNT SOME ORC!)

Star Wars (*does darth vader impression* whoo haa.. Whoo haa.. (XD)) BBC Merlin, BBC Atlantis.. Erm. It's one of those awkward moments when you know you're forgetting something and you post and then remember it XD I like Top Gear, Marvel, John Green books, The Mortal Instruments, The book thief... Um. Awkward.

I call myself a fangirl. I've probably meant to have a license for that.

Screw it.


Okay, my friends are my life.. I have many on here, some which I call my DF family ^-^ love you guys. And others which I know for real :D YOU RAISE ME UUUPP!!

I never was one for friends... But now I have a fair few. And I love them ^-^!

Especially mah partner. X

DE END. *flies off on a Nyan Pegasus*



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