Sharing home is not an option

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- Brother, here you are I need your help
As soon as the girl said those words Nick knew that this is not going to end well for him. When the girl reached him the tawern owner also started approching the boy.
- You know her? - the owner asked
Nick really wanted to say no. But both the magical code and his comscience didn't let him to do so.
- Of course, she is my sister -  the boy said instead
- Oh so you can pay for her - the owner smiled in the least kind way possible
- Sure - said Nick trying not to cry
He handed the money he had just earned to the owner
-That's still not enough for a permission, but I won't call the police - the men started walking away - this time.
Nick was both sad and furious. He decided to leave the girl and go back home. As he walked out of the tawern he heard quiet voice
-Thank you
He turned around and notice that the girl was standing close to him.
-It's fine - he said still angry -but go away please.
-I though that I may give it to you - the girl showed him two coins she was still holding.
-I don't need it - said Nick - go home and try to stay out of trouble.
He tourned around and started walking towards his apartament when he heard the quiet voice again.
-Maby you need help with something - the girl acted as she hadn't heard him - I know you are a wizard as well. Maybe I can help you with work.
- No I don't need help - Nick started losing patience.
-My talent is fortunetelling. Are you sure I can't help you with anything? Maby I can...
- Why can't you just go home and leave me alone?! - Nick shouted.
The girl started crying and Nick immediately started feeling guilty.
- I don't have home - she started crying even more. - and I'm really hungry
So she is an orphan. Nick shouldn't be suprised. There are a lot of them in this town. Although he felt bad for a girl he still didn't want to let her live with him. He made just enough money for himself. He couldn't aford feeding another person.
- Okey - he said after a moment - I will give you something to eat and let you spend the night. But the next morning you are leaving.
She noded and still a bit sad started following Nick.
- By the way my name is Sam - the girl said.
-Nick - he answerd as he was thinking to herslf
What have you done you idiot.

 Concept sketch of Nick

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Concept sketch of Nick

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