Those Awkward moments

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"Knock, Knock." Someone's at our door, cause the Lachlan and Finn are having an intense guy conversation I go, and answer the door. When I open the door it is not who I expect, it is a vampire, one who I had met long ago.

To be precise the one who helped me start these frenzies. It's my brothers fault in a way because he changed this guy, it was only then I realized that he wasn't the person I thought or maybe becoming a vampire changed him. Kai walks forward and embraces me so tightly. "I thought you were dead" he whispers in my ear.

This man I loved so dearly for however long, was right here holding me in his arms. After the embrace I lead him towards the bickering of Finn and Lachlan. Finn stops dead in his tracks he hates anyone else I have loved. Kai was a dangerous and fun love when he first became a vampire, which changed very quickly.

I learned that he was repulsive and he came to like the taste of blood too much. At least thinking that he was dead left a mutual feeling because he thought I was dead. "what the hell are you doing here?" Finn yells down the entry hall. "Two reasons, one to give you all a warning and offer my help and two to see Blair." Kai replies.

I look over a Lachlan and see him shaking his head, because he knows its his fault, afterall he was the one changed kai. "Can we please be civil, after all kai is bringing a warning, last time we got a warning I nearly died remembered." I say frustrated at both my brother and Finn.

As I reminisce about the time with Kai I decide I could give him another chance, Finn would object, I know he would. "I've bought some friends along" Kai announces, I know Finn would still be deliberating in his head as to whether to trust Kai or not, "because there is trouble coming, big trouble" kai strongly emphasizes the last two words.

"what's going on kai?" i question. "Well that's the thing Blair we don't know." He replies quickly. "I was worried of this" Lachlan says out of no where. I start to get suspicious when he says that, I feel like I have to be very careful who I trust, because anyone could sell your soul to the devil.

The back door suddenly bursts open with four boys armed with stakes, Kai suddenly yells "What the f*** is going on, Luke, Ashton" "We thought they were the bad guys" The taller blonde boys says innocently. "no, for f*** sake, these are the people the people who can help us and we can help them, they are some of the few vampire over 250 years old left" kai exclaims in a huff.

It was then I realized that the other two are Cam and Linc. We're all standing in the kitchen, silently looking at each other, knowing that we are all thinking the same thing "What's going to happen". The silence is abruptly broken when a vampire with bright green hair struts in instantly destroying the tension.

"Michael, way to make an entrance" Finn yells laughing. Glaring at Finn "how do you know him" motioning at Michael, I personally was well know to everyone is the "underworld" but at the same time I knew nearly everyone too. "well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Blair Orindan" Michael says cunningly. "You have a killer reputation and I am honoured to finally meet you" "Okay, no need for my introduction then" I say spitefully.

Nervously laughing, the short curly haired hunter introduces himself, "I'm Ashton, and this is my brother Luke, we're hunters, as you probably figured out with our terrible entrance, and I'm guessing you know Cam and Linc, already". "Yeah,so this is our team?"

I question, surprised when it is Lachlan that speaks up this time "No Blair, we still have calum to come he is a werewolf." "How come that name sounds so familiar" I say. "Maybe because you f****d him about 50 years ago" Michael says "he's the guy Ive heard all about you from" "well this makes everything awkward" I say feeling uncomfortable walking away.

Sighing as I walk towards the front of the house I swear I can hear a mob of people, then to my disbelief when I look out the front window I really do see a mob of people, who seem hell bent on murder. Moving quickly into the kitchen in attempt to get out through the back door of the house I bump into Michael who asks "what's up honey?".

"We've got a trouble" I say as I continue my sprint out of the house hoping that mine and lachlans hideout deep in the forest is still in tact.

I am intercepted by a force stronger than me. "Blair-May, my dear good of you to drop by. Will you ever grow up though?" my uncle aka Mr Orindan says. "Well you made sure that I cant grow up, you bastard." I shout which leads me to get my head banged against a brick wall. " I did it for your own good, you little bitch. What im doing now is for your own good as well, your parents, they had a secret daughter ,and she wants us all dead. This secret daughter is the one starting up all the trouble. I will keep you all informed as much as possible without getting caught by the bitch." He explains leaving me shocked.

I collapse to the ground and start crying, losing track of everything, then I feel s pair of strong and familiar arms wrap around me.

I look up to see my old companion, my werewolf lover, my partner in crime for the whole of the sixties, Calum. Nothing needed to be said, we spent every hour of everyday for those ten years together, we understood each other.


Hey guys here is the update!!! I just realised I need more female characters, so I was thinking I could use you guys!! I will choose girls who I think are most appropriate for the roles!! I need love interests/girlfriends for Finn, Lachlan, Kai, calum, Ashton and then the twins linc and cam!! And then a very lucky person will get the role of Blair secret sister!!! Sooo I will need your name, age hair colour eye colour, brief description of personality and who you would like as your potential love interest!!

Thanks luv ya all!! Xxxxx

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