Chapter 3

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Author POV:

"Oh.." Boomer said, a bit shocked. "Well that's okay. I mean, she can date anybody she wants. It's a free country right?" Boomer said, letting out a awkward laugh. Brick nodded his head and unlocked the front door.

Once Brick open the front door, Boomer look inside the house amazed by how neat it was since Brick isn't really a neat guy.

"Love! I'm home!" Brick yelled out, putting up his coat in the coat rack, and putting the bags down on the floor.

"I'm in kitchen babe," Blossom responded. "Boomer's here." Brick said, before both brothers knew it Blossom came out of the kitchen to attack Boomer with a hug. "Long time no see." Boomer said in a chuckle, hugging back Blossom.

"I missed you! How's it been? Did you get married? Do you have kids now? Where are they? Oh, and by the way I made lasagna your favorite!" Blossom said, with a bright smile on her face.

"No wonder it smells so good in here, thank you so much. I've been starving since I left home and no I'm not married or have kids. I'm not thinking of marriage right now." Boomer said with all honestly. "Oh, well you get to focus more on your company's now. How's work been? Is it getting more stressful?" Blossom asked worried.

Boomer stared a Blossom for a few seconds before responding, "I mean... I guess, but you know me. I'm always working hard on something especially if it's something I want. I'm not a person to back out." Boomer said, making Blossom smile. "I'm happy for you, you made your dreams come true of being a famous fashion designer and being a movie producer."

"Actor too, just saying not trying to brag or anything." Boomer said, giving a sassy look, Blossom chuckled and slap his arm in a playful way.

"Sorry me and the girls haven't called you in awhile. We thought you would be too busy to answer the phone."

Boomer gave a small smile, "It's okay. What matters now is that I'm back in Townsville and I'm ready to see my family and friends." Boomer said. "I'm glad your not like those rich people who forget where they grew up and who they were before becoming a millionaire." Blossom said.

"Um by the way Blossom, how's Bubbles been?" Boomer asked, Blossom body tense and she looked nervous to tell Boomer what's been going on with Bubbles the past few years.

"I think it would be best if Buttercup and Butch was here too to tell you as well."

Boomer nodded his head, "Come on, take off your jacket and join us for lasagna." Blossom said, leaving the room to go to the kitchen to starve the food.

Boomer took off his jacket and hanged it up, while walking to the kitchen Boomer saw photo frames of Blossom and her sisters as little girls and older too, some with his brothers. Bubbles looked so cheerful and bright.

'What happened that made Brick and Blossom worried to tell me?'

Love shouldn't hurt | BOOMUBBLES | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now