Chapter Eight

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Me: now I can finally say someone famous is following me

Colby: I'm not famous

Me: you have 10K followers, that's a lot

Me: I have 500 followers

Me: I have no idea who these people are lol

Colby: why don't you make it private then?

Me: nah

Me: might as well show off my beauty 🤷‍♀️

Me: kidding I ain't beautiful

Me: I don't have that big of an ego

Colby: so, your friend Katrina's pretty


Me: perv

Colby: says the girl that had my number

Me: that's different

Colby: Sam might like Kat

Me: I'm not selling out the only friend I have, thanks

Me: plus we live in Canada

Me: wouldn't work out anyways

Colby: damn, I was so ready to set them up

Me: maybe one day in the future

Me: but Kat's too innocent, it's sweet

Colby: one day, Daisy, one day

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