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chapter 2

time had gone by and EUNHA explained basic house rules to CHAERIN as they waited for RYUJIN to return from the store. EUNHA was also waiting for RYUJIN to get back so that they both could explain the prank war to CHAERIN. because in all honesty, it was a pretty weird rivalry between the girls and the boys next door.

"is that all?" CHAERIN asks as she picks up her stuff, "so should i put my stuff up in my room?"

"there's one more thing, but we should wait for RYUJIN to come back-" as EUNHA spoke, a familiar voice shouts out from the hallway.

RYUJIN did not seem pleased as she yelled at the top of her lungs, "you little dickheads!"

quickly, EUNHA runs out with CHAERIN close behind her, and they are met with a peculiar scene. plastic bags were on the ground, on either side of RYUJIN's feet, and she looked as if she walked through the rain. but the culprits for the reason why she was wet were standing next to her, the girls' neighbors stood around her with water guns in their hands.

"what happened?" EUNHA takes a step back, knowing what their next move was.

KEVIN points his finger out and motions for EUNHA to come closer, "you're next BUGABOO."

a shriek leaves EUNHA's lips as she dashes in a different direction, KEVIN chasing after her. meanwhile CHAERIN stands staring at HYUNJIN, RYUJIN, and HYUNJOON with a confused expression on her face.

"welcome neighbor," HYUNJOON starts off, "this is your first experience in the great prank war of floor seven!"

CHAERIN watches as HYUNJIN walks closer to her, "what?"

when he's close enough, CHAERIN steps on his foot and grabs the water gun from out of his hand. "oh shit," HYUNJOON's eyes widen as he watches CHAERIN shoot water at HYUNJIN, soaking his hair and face.

at this distraction, RYUJIN takes an egg from the grocery bags on the ground and smashes it on HYUNJOON's head. a laugh erupts in the hallway and HYUNJOON turns, beginning to shoot water at RYUJIN once again. at this CHAERIN begins to aim at HYUNJOON instead of HYUNJIN and makes her way to RYUJIN.

coming back from god knows where, EUNHA runs straight into RYUJIN's arms, behind CHAERIN. EUNHA was now drenched as well, and KEVIN came strolling back calmly but is surprised at the situation before him. he makes eye contact with HYUNJOON and nods, both then aim for CHAERIN and begin shooting at the girl.

"back in the apartment, now!" RYUJIN shouts as she takes CHAERIN's hand with EUNHA still holding onto her.

the girls hurry back into the apartment, RYUJIN only being able to take one of the two bags she had when she came up. "i'll get you next time, SWEETHEART," CHAERIN glances back as HYUNJIN smiles at her, waving his a hand in a way to say farewell for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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