Chapter 7

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Chen found himself in a chair in a sparkling white room. He turned his head and saw  that there was a large mirror. He looked down and saw he was handcuffed to a table. As his thoughts came to him he realized that the mirror was a two way mirror. Someone was watching him.

It was a matter of seconds when a man came in. His eyes were a mesmerizing green,  brown gelled back hair with stubble growing on his broad chin. He had an authoritative air to him. He reminded Chen of a wealthy businessman, which he probably was. But what threw him off the most, is that he was wearing  a hazmat suit.

"Hello Chen. I am sorry about the handling of things, it was just some safety precautions that we had to do.  I'm sorry if we had to hurt you in any way, but it was what we had to do", he said sympathetically. Chen wanted to spit. 

When Chen didn't reply with anything, the man chuckled. "Oh, you're the foreign exchange student. You don't understand much English, do you?", he said this time much slower. 

Chen then realized that he could use this to his advantage. Chen cocked his head acting confused. 

"Okay... I will go and get interpreter. Yes? Yes!", he motioned to the door and held a thumbs up. Chen's blood was boiling and did not want to see anyone else. 

A short Asian women came into the room that also had a hazmat suit on, and stood at a far distance. The man entered the room again and came and sat at the end of the table. 

"Okay we are going to ask you a few questions", he nodded towards the interpreter. She said the same thing to him in Chinese, but Chen hardly paid attention to her because she was unnecessary.

"Where were you on the night of September 4th, of 2018?", he asked. His interrogation voice was turned on and the Mr. Nice guy air he wore earlier seemed to be gone. He was definitely a businessmen. 

" I don't remember", he replied in Chinese .

 The interpreter said " He does not remember".

"How do you know Lisa Martinez, Kevin Chalapian, and Lindsey Mckaylin?", he asked.

"I am in their Honors English class. We were put together for a class project", Chen answered. 

"Did you get along with them well?", he asked. 

Chen paused briefly. "No. They were not nice to me".

The man leaned in slightly. "Why?".

"They treated me differently because I did not know alot of English. They made fun of me". 

"Didn't you want to switch out of the group, or tell Ms. Cain that you were being bullied?", the man pressed. 

"I did, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I was there to learn not make friends". 

The man was silent for a few moments. He then began again.

"On September 4th, were you invited to attend a party by the invite of Kevin Chalapian?", he asked. 

"Yes", Chen said. 

"And did you want to attend that party?". 


"But you ended up going with Kevin somewhere. Where did you go?"

"I was forced to go. We hardly did any work that day and he seemed excited to go".

"But where did you go? Where there any other people with you?"


"But you went with Kevin somewhere, yes?", he said. 

Chen started sweating. He knew that he was messing up his testimony. But he wanted to get out of their as soon as possible.

"I don't know where it was. I want to go home! Where is my family!? I want to leave!", Chen yelled. Hopefully, he thought that would make him seem more clueless.

"You will see your family soon if you cooperate. You just need to help us find out what is going on", the man said calmly. 

"I don't know sir", Chan said finally. 

The man let out a small laugh. "You reacted to your little dose alot better than I expected. You have been out for a long time, and I have heard the others testimony. So if you want to lie, go ahead, but it will only leave us here  much longer and I will need the facts. 

He's lying.

" I don't know! I was taken somewhere and then I was taken back home and I don't know why they are acting weird, I just don't know! I want to leave! I want to leave!", Chen said angrily. 

"Did you enter a government facility on September 4th, 2018?", the man said quietly. 

" No", Chen lied. 

"Are you telling the truth?", he said. 


"If I told you Lisa had a gun to her head right now in the other room, and her life depended on your answer right now, would you still stick to your answer?".

Chen felt a fat droplet drip down his face. 

"Yes", Chen said. 

"Interesting", the man said. 

"One last question. Are you a spy?", 

Chen rose his eyebrows. "No".

"Thank you for cooperating", he said as he and the interpreter left the room. 

As Chen was starting to catch his breath, he heard a gun shot go off in the next room. Chen started shaking and crying. "Lisa?!", he whimpered. 

A few moments later, he heard more gun shots. Chen's mind was racing and his heart beat was pounding. 

A few moments later, the man entered the room. 

"Chen please come with us. We're sending you home".

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