Chapter 7

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"Korra that is magnificient!" Asami sat on Korra's bed with her. Korra had only just now told her of what happened with her encounter with Noatak. "You've only been here a few days and you're dating! You grew up so fast. It seems like just three days ago you wore your first thong."

Korra blushed and playfully swat at Asami. "It's not that big a deal."

"Yes it is Korra and you know it. This is your first date isn't it?"


"Which means yes. This is very special and you should treat it that way, Korra. Enjoy the feeling."

Korra bit her lip and grinned. "Well if you say so..."

"I can't believe he asked me to go on a date! This is so amazing I wonder where we're going to go. He doesn't know I'm the Avatar so he definitely doesn't care about that. He just likes me for me and that's amazing."

"See, I knew you had more feelings on the matter than you let on. Well anyway. I'll be back tomorrow after your classes and we can discuss the matter of clothing."

Korra groaned.

"Stop whining, it's going to be fun!"

Korra shook her head. "Bye Asami."


That night at dinner Korra cautiously brought up the topic to her uncle. He raised an eyebrow. "A date? With whom?"

"Well this guy I met at a diner near to here."

"You do know that he could be just anyone, you know."

"No it's fine, really. He doesn't even know I'm the Avatar. He's not the man who killed the Sifu..."

"How are you to say that?"

"Well why would he be? He was just a normal guy in a diner."

"That's what you think."

"Uncle. This is the first time I've ever been asked out. Please don't ruin it. You can even send a guard out after us. I don't care."

Unaloq paused. "Fine. I will allow you to date this boy so long as he comes to see me first."

She smiled. "Thank you, Uncle!"

Korra couldn't wait for Saturday.


Noatak lay in the darkness of his small one room apartment. It was luck. Pure luck that he had been in the same diner as the Avatar. She had been undeniably easy to seduce and now he had a date with her. A few hours alone with her. He could easily destroy her. She could be his first dummy. His first real experiment. Anticipation reeled within him. He could not wait for Saturday.


The week went by slowly for Korra. She really did enjoy her lessons but she hadn't been able to make any progress with meditating. The only difference now was that her mind always strayed to Noatak rather than food. Nurse  was patient with her but she could tell that every time she failed, the nurse was disappointed in her.

Asami spent her time planning out her outfit. Really, all Korra wanted to wear were her usual garb but Asami insisted that she couldn't wear the same thing she first saw him in on their first date. Korra knew nothing of this kind of thing and decided to just trust Asami's words.

Though it was long in coming, the day of the date was soon arriving. Korra and Noatak were to meet at the diner meaning she would have to bring him back and take him to the palace to meet her uncle. She didn't look forward to this but decided it was worth it to be able to go on the date at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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