Chapter 1: A glimpse of the human world.

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I remember the cold water brushing my hands and feet as it splashed while I sang on a valley of rocks by the sea the ship off in the distance turning to see where my heavenly voice came from. I remember seeing the boy stare at me his pale blue eyes meeting mine. Freckles littered the underneath of his eyes, his fiery red hair neatly cut and swept to one side. He smiled at me as I continued to sing. Smiling at him I heard my father's voice to quiet for the boy or the crew on the ship to hear he was calling me telling me to come home. I broke eye contact with the boy asking his name before I left, "I-its Michael", he said still in awe of me. I smirked at him and flipped my light brown hair and my blue-gray eyes looked into his once more as I jumped off the rock to the sea. I could see him stare in horror and shock as I went deeper. Back in the village, I greeted my father his face had a stern look on it. "Where were you?". he demanded, "Today is too special to be roaming around and heading off without telling me! You're turning 16 today!", I sighed a little annoyed by my father's strictness. I rolled my eyes in frustration mad that he had called me away from the boy for this. "Now let's go see your mother she has something for you.", he said calmly. I followed him into the bedroom where my mother lay sick in bed she smiled at me. As I came in her faded looked caused a sense of sadness in me. Her once bright blue eyes now faded her gills with barely moved for more oxygen, showing breathing was breathing was labored and improving. "I .. Have something.... For you.", she said her voice raspy and uneven. "Thank you mother.", I said saddened by the sight. "How are you feeling today?", she looked at me softened by my concern, "I'll be fine.", she lied handing me a present wrapped in seaweed and pearls. I opened it to find a beautiful water lily inside. My father helped me put it in my hair and smiled at me, "You look so pretty my dear.", he said for once letting go of all the anger and aggression he had built up. My name is Luna I am the crown ruler of the sirens. I was born with a special mark, only twelve in the world had one like it. I am the zodiac Capricorn, I rule the sea arch enemy of the Gemini. With them guarding the surface I haven't been able to contact any of the other zodiacs in the prophecy. Yet I had fallen for the boy in the ship so I visited the wicked witch Selena offered me legs for my song not knowing what her intentions were with my voice. So I gave my song to the witch in exchange for what my deepest desire was. She gave me a spell to make it to where I could turn human out of the water, fins to legs, legs to fins. Years later the boat came again with the boy and his crew so I sang my song, though different since the witch owned a part of it. The boy steering the ship was a Jafer, a kind of people sensitive to siren songs due to their heightened senses. I stopped singing realizing that he had changed the course of the ship to the cliffs behind me while under my spell. I could see a young maiden with golden hair frantically trying to pull him away from the wheel. The boy turned his gaze to me untroubled by the chaos around him, by now I had stopped singing letting the Jafer regain his conscious mind. He regained his ground and veered the ship away from the cliffs just in time. The boy never stopped staring even when his impending doom stared him in the face. I giggled knowing he was infatuated with me I heard the Jafer boy cursing my people, not that I expected anything different. I waved to the boy as I descended into the water swimming on my back as I watched the of the boat grow smaller and smaller yet I did not want to lose it again so I followed from afar. Making sure the crew couldn't hear or see me i smirked knowing i would give them a fight when they saw me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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