Chapter One

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…Present Time…

Oreana wiped a tear as she finished Charles Dickens 'The Christmas Carol'.

"What a wonderful story" she smiled as she closed the book. Then quickly frowned as she gazed at the mess she created. There were books scattered everywhere.

Oh no, panic rushed through her as she began to pick up the books when she stopped. An idea dawned on her and mentally hit herself. "What am I doing? I can use magic!" Her face lit up, "Oreana you're a genius!"

She quickly thought of a Cleaning spell. Now how does uncle do it? Oh yes. Oreana raised her arms slowly and chanted a spell.

clutter clutter everywhere

…um, oh yes.

Please oh please do I care

…no, that's not right!

how I wish you aren't there

…uh, with all the mess I declare


A bright light flashed and instead of a clean immaculate room, she found herself standing in a pile of more books. Oh no, she thought. She can feel his presence behind her, the continuous tapping of his shoe was unbearable. She knew she would be in trouble, yet she couldn't help herself. She was just like her mother, her uncle would say.

She turned and bowed her head respectively, "I'm sorry uncle I did not mean to. I was tempted to read these wonderful books…I mean I just love…I…I…"

"Enough Oreana."

She sat down on a pile of books and looked up to her uncle. His dark brows creased together as he looked at his niece; his only niece. He simply snapped his fingers and the books appeared in its rightful place.

He faced Oreana, "Oreana, you have been summoned at the Enchanted Circle tomorrow morning." He brushed his dark auburn hair with his fingers. Oreana looked at his uncle, his worry lines and grey hair appearing quickly as she grew older.

Her eyes grew like saucers, Enchanted Circle? Her uncle must have read her mind, "Yes, it's time. Your time."

Oreana stood up when a black cat ran up to her and jumped in her arms. Oreana petted the black cat's forehead and slowly lowering the black cat to the wooden floor.

"Oreana,” he sighed, “you have been chosen." Her bright blue eyes knew that she had to quickly act and accept this mission. She knew that if she doesn't, a lost soul will remain lost forever. A heavy burden will be put upon her to achieve her mission. She took a step forward toward her uncle, "Do you think I am ready for this mission?"

He sighed heavily, "The council has created a record of past and future fairies that will conduct this mission. However, you have been chosen as a replacement. One of the missionaries has taken ill and is ill fit to take on the mission."

“Who was it Uncle…?” She took a step forward.

“Sienna…” He trailed off as his eyes averted down to a trail of golden dust surrounding her feet.

Curiosity spread along her face when she realized of the golden dust she was experimenting earlier. Wide-eyed, "I’ll clean it up!"

With closed eyes, I can do this. She was determined to get this right! Raising her arms, she chanted quietly.


When the chant was finished, she slowly opened her eyes to sneak a peek, she groaned, “Uh Oh....”

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