~Chapter One~

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Its been an hour since my plane landed, yet I'm still waiting for my dad to pick me up. I was supposed to call my mom as soon as I got to my dad's house, but since I'm still waiting for my dad to pick me up, I haven't bothered to pick my phone up and dial my mom's number. Since my dad lives in Winthrop which is here in Massachusetts, it means that I've moved across the country to live with my dad for a year. My mom though it would be best for me to take a year of school and go live with my dad.


I had only just walked in the front door and my parents were already fighting. That wasn't new to me. My parents seem to be at each other's throats all the time. It seems to me that my mom and dad fight about anything and everything. Sometimes I can't help but think that I'm the cause of my parents' disagreements. As I walked up the stairs to my bedroom I heard those four words that I never thought my mom would say. "I want a divorce." My mom said loudly and clearly.

Flashback over

After my parents' divorce my dad brought a house here in Winthrop, Massachusetts and packed up everything he owned and moved here. Sometimes my mom says he's crazy for moving so far away. I missed my dad a lot since I was only eight years old and my mom got full custody of me, though my dad had visitation rights. This was the first time since I was eight that I actually get to see my dad. I'm kind of nervous to see my dad again. I sighed and looked around, I saw a Starbucks not too far away from me. Fuck it, I'm craving coffee and my dad isn't here yet. I went over to the Starbucks and ordered a coffee. When I had my beverage I paid the lady and left the Starbucks. I looked outside the airport and finally noticed the snow gently falling from the sky and softly landing on the existing snow. I rolled my eyes, good thing I only packed winter clothes. I realised that the cold air was starting to make the airport cold. I looked around and notice the women's bathroom a few feet away. I pushed the luggage cart I had over to the women's bathroom, I grabbed my carry on backpack that had everything I need for the flight in it. I had my warmest clothes in there. I went into the bathroom and changed into my warm clothes quickly. When I got out I grabbed my luggage and checked my phone. I noticed I had a text message from my dad. Sweetheart sorry I can't make it. Important meeting at work. Noah will be picking up instead~Dad. I rolled my eyes and decided to go see if this Noah dude is here to pick me up yet. I pushed my luggage cart out near the main entrance and looked out for car that hadn't been parked there before. Nope nothing I guess this Noah dude wasn't here yet. I turned to go sit down again but as I did I ran into someone. I was knocked to the ground. I picked myself up and dusted the dirt from my clothes. I looked up and saw some guy staring at me. " Sorry for running into you." I said as I did up my coat. "No no I'm sorry I should have watched where I was going." The dude said. I smiled a little and just stayed quiet. I saw the guy looking at my luggage tags. "You must be Ms. Snowgrave?" The guy said. I rolled my eyes "That's me." I said. The guy sighed in relief. "Come we must hurry to get you back to your dad's house. I've been looking for you for an hour." The guy said. I don't get it. "I'm Noah by the way." Noah said. Oh so that's who he is. Damn he is smoking hot. Wait what? "Nice to meet you Noah. I'm Ana." I said. I hate it when people called Ms. Snowgrave and its worse when people call me Anastasia.

"I know. Your dad doesn't shut up about you." Noah said. Okaaaaay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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