Chapter 3

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"Hey newbie!" A girl who looked about the same age as me says with a grin firm ear to ear.

"Hi?" I say back in a puzzling tone. The girl has long legs and is towering over my 5'2 self. Her hair is a sandy brown but every so often when the lighting is just  right, I see streaks of gold in her hair. Her eyes are piercing. They captivate me instantly. They are an indigo color with streaks of jet black. Her face is perfectly symmetrical and her lips are tainted a light salmon color. Although she does not wear a brush of mascara or a stroke of eyeshadow, she is breath taking.

"I'm Sandra, but you can call me sandy if you'd like. I'm part of the welcoming committee! So welcome to     EHS! Home of the Wolves!"

"Oh, well hi... Sandy," I say hesitantly each word going up and down like biking over rocks. "I appreciate you trying to help and all, but I think I can find my way around."

"No, no, I insist, please let me help you! Here, how about we meet up again at lunch?"

"Sandy reall-" I start but before I can get to far she interrupts me.

"Good? Good. See ya soon!"

I was going to say no, but she seemed desperate. I don't know why though. She didn't look like the type to dream to be ranking high in social ranking. Maybe a boy? No if she wanted to impress a boy she'd load on a pound of makeup, that is if she knew what you need to get a boy. And if she did know she could get one easy.


I walk into the cafeteria and it's mass chaos. Kids throwing food, people discussing books, the "nerds" playing their Nintendo DS'. I scan the room for sandy but can't seem to spot her. So I jump in the lunch line.

"Hey blondie." Says someone from behind me. I turn to see a boy. Cute, but not handsome, clever, but not mature. Typical.

"It's dirty blonde for your information." I snap back at him.

He eases off but asks for my number, I give it to him but I make sure he knows what he's dealing with. In the meantime Sandy finds me.

"Hey-" she stops mid-sentence remembering that she didn't even learn my name.

"It's Lynn. Short for Marilynn." I say.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! What kind if welcoming committee member am I if I don't even ask for your name!"

"Sandy, it's ok-"

"No no it's not! Ugh! This has been the worst day ever!"

I sit down with her and find out that she is also a freshman and a straight A student. I predicted right, she was using me. She was running for student council and she thought the welcoming committee would look good on papers.

"Listen, Lynn I'm so sorry about everything... Using you, and now I'm just pouring out all my sorrow on you. I, I should go, just leave you alone. I'm not going to win anyways."

"No sandy, stay. I need a friend and a person to help me get to my classes."  We both snicker and talk more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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