A Reunion

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A/N POV's back to normal now :) 

Chimmy: Hey :p

Me: Hi?

Chimmy: Why the '?'

Me: I just wasn't really expecting you to text me...

Chimmy: Do you not want me to text you?

Me: I do!

Me: I should probably take all the friends I can get!

Chimmy: lmao

Chimmy: I'm sure you have friends!

Me: I have a couple

Me: We just don't hang out that much

Me: I'm always busy :(

Chimmy: I can relate.

Chimmy: Work stops me from hanging out with some of my friends.

Me: What about Mr. Alien?

Me: Seems like you two are pretty close

Chimmy: That's different.

Chimmy: We've known each other forever, and he's kinda like a brother to me.

Chimmy: Also, we're co-workers, so we see each other every day.

Me: That sounds cool

Me: I wish I could work with you guys :(

Chimmy: Haha

Chimmy: I don't know if you could handle everyone that works with us!

Chimmy: They're all pretty much crackheads tbh.

Me: Sounds like they're my type of people!

Chimmy: lmao

Chimmy: Anyways, I gtg

Chimmy: Work :/

Me: Have fun~

Chimmy: I will!

Chimmy: And, you should go talk with ur friends.

Me: You're right...

Me: I miss them

Me: Thanks Chimmy

Me: Byee~

Chimmy: Cya!


Me: Hey

Me: Helloooooooo

Me: I moved to Russia

Me: I dyed my hair green

Me: I have a boyfriend

Jello: Woah

What Are The Odds?-Taehyung x Reader |DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now