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The study was a whole mess, we all then go out of the class with a sigh of relief, knowing that it's all over.

Ozzy: Oh, my God, that was...pretty much hard.

Felix: But, good thing we already finished it.

Boris: Oh, ready to go to library?

Felix: Oh, right! You guys sure wanna come?

Cuphead: Y-yeah, i mean...

Mugman: Sure!

Bendy: Whatever they said, then.

We then walked through the hall and entered the library, only to find the lobby was empty.

Bendy: Um....hello?

Cuphead: I think he's-

Samael: Oh, sorry, for the long awaiting. I need to, clean the reservoir, so, what can i help you?

Mugman: Jeez, Sam, where did you actually came from?

Samael: I walked through the wall. Poof!

Boris: Woahoh!!

Bendy: Let's take our card and get inside.

Ozzy: Oh, right!

We then took each of our card and get inside the library. It was pretty much silent, though. Since not many people came to visit this place. We then took a seat, with me beside Cuphead, Mug with Boris, and Ozzy with Felix.

Felix: So, you guys have an idea for a book?

Ozzy: Not exactly....(while brushing his bunny ear.)

Felix: Aww.....Oh! Cup!

Cuphead: Ah! Y-yeah?

Felix: Um, any ideas?

Bendy: Oh, um, how about a....uh.....

Boris: Love story?

Mugman: Boris!

Boris: What? I'm just suggesting.

Aleksandra: Oh, i think i know what Cuphead wanted to say.

Cuphead's POV

Oh, did she know about my relation with Bends? I hope not, please not....please not....

Aleksandra: It must about that time when you slipped yourself from the stairs.

Felix: Ahahaha! Did that really happened?

Cuphead: N-no! It was...uh, wet floor....

Ozzy: Pfft....but, it's still a reason.

Mugman: Hehe, Cup, you also forgot know...

Cuphead: What the-Ah! You didn't tell me in the first place!

Bendy: Well, you and i already go first, so i think that could be a reason.

Boris: Maybe we should quite down awhile, Sandra seem to be uncomfortable.

Aleksandra: (death glare)

Bendy: Oh, uhmm.....(cover his face with book.)

We then read a few books for a few minutes until it's hometime. This early?

Bendy's POV

Can't believe it's already home time. I walked alongside Boris, and before i stepped inside my mom car, someone stopped me halfway, pulling me away.

Bendy: Wha-Ah! Cup! W-why...did you...?

Cuphead: Can we...have...another one?

Bendy: W-what did you-(looking at Boris and Mugman, trying to hold their laughter.) Oh. No, please, not in here...

Cuphead: about if you stay

Ava: (I can't believe it! It's like what i expected! I must 'save' them!) Um, Boris, Mugs, how about if you come with me for awhile? Your brother seems to need a time together.

Mugman: (As long...) Oh, Yes! Boris, come on!

Boris: (as they're happy.) Hey, wait up!

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