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As I awoke, lights from the boarded up windows beamed into my eyes, causing me to squint. It was quiet outside and the air was cold and had a sense of danger mixed into it. My eyes struggled open and I noticed that Lou and I were still cuddled up together and AJ held onto my back, both boys snoring almost silently. 

I softly lifted up my body from the uncomfortable wooden floor and looked over to Willy who was sobbing with no friend beside him. His eyes were red and puffy with a blade sitting cleanly beside him. Rosie was beside him, though, and whined softly while she licked his hand. I just hoped that he didn't do anything stupid while Mitch was looking for the twins, especially Sophie.

I sat up and put my back against the uncomfortable wall and surveyed over everyone. Everyone looked alright apart from Aasim and Ruby who were now cuddled up together, making me smile slightly. Aasim had been crushing on Ruby for a while now, I think, and now he's finally got a bit out of the friend zone. I wouldn't blame Ruby if it was just out of fear because we are in a bit of a shitty situation right now.

I noticed that Violet was watching me a bit intensely and a bit threatening looking so I shot her a look. She swiftly turned away, red, and held Tenn close to her. She seemed so distant suddenly but did she maybe hear Mitch's plan? She used to go out with Minnie and was probably really close to Sophie if that's the case so could she run away too and try help Mitch? And what if she knew if Sophie was pregnant? She'd be super paranoid, but especially Tenn. He would be an uncle, right?

Brody was still cuddled up on Marlon, who was awake, and he offered a smile so I smiled back and slowly rose from my position and limped over to him, wincing at my leg pain. "Hey." He whispered in a husky voice. "Do you know where Mitch is? Willy's worrying about him." Should I tell him? He deserved to know, so I spilled the secret.

"He...he went to find the twins." I replied in my usual voice, digging my nails into my arm nervously. "Him and Sophie, they were together. He's sure that she's pregnant because she told him and now he went off to find her." Marlon swore under his breath, hitting his fist onto the ground. 

"He's gonna get stabbed in the throat, he is. Fucking bastard."

"Marlon?" Brody quietly said up to her boyfriend. "Please don't swear, I'm trying to sleep. What's wrong?"

"Well Mitch is the problem!" Marlon shouted. I was about to say something but I decided to not say anything. "He's gone and run after his pregnant girlfriend, Sophie, he has and he's probably heading to the delta!" Now everyone was awake, Ruby and Aasim blushing madly, and the room was filled with muttering and concerns. I looked over to AJ who was cuddled up to Louis, almost petrified of the voices.

"Alright!" I shouted, risking walkers coming close and us all being under attack again. "That's enough! If we carry on talking then we're all going to be under attack again. Mitch is gone, alright, end of story. We can't keep on worrying about him because I'm sure that his explosive mind will think of something. Besides, we just need to move. That's what I've learnt out here in the apocalypse, always keep moving. If we just stay here we're wont get anywhere and we'll all die. Is that clear?" 

Everyone nodded after my words and rose from their corner or side and stood in a bunch. Their faces all looked miserable or either tired and just for AJ, confident, awake and excited. He was probably the only one in this room apart from me who has had to be on the move every single day just to survive. Louis and AJ came to the front with me and Marlon while everyone shivered in the cold at the back.

I rolled my eyes as Violet was shivering away. How could one person be so weak and cold on an autumn morning? It's just a little breeze, that's all. I opened the door to an icy mud puddle and icicles handing off of the roof. "T-That looks a little dangerous, doesn't it?" Ruby said quietly into my ear, making me chuckle a bit.

"This, dangerous? You've gotta be kidding me!" I answered back. "It's just a simple obstacle to start off your day, that's all. Come on, let's get to some group or something, they might be nice enough to give us kids in need something to eat or drink. 

"Do you know anywhere we could go?" Louis asked, stepping out of the door with me and AJ.

"I might know somewhere but it's quite far. But just follow me and we'll get there as soon as said." I replied then skidded over the puddle, nearly ice skating with AJ. Lou steadily stepped onto the ice too with his arms spread out to the side with Goofball holding his wrist. He squeeled at first but then as his hand met mine he was quiet and laughing his stupid and goofy laugh.

I smiled up at him and leaned into him slightly, smiling with my golden eyes looking at the close muddy and un-icy ground. Aasim then stepped on, holding Ruby close then Brody and Marlon stepped on with Rosie slipping across the side. We all laughed as she howled and tried standing up, only to send her legs spassing. Violet helped Tenn and Willy across, letting them hold onto her arms and laugh their innocent and weird giggles.

"That was actually pretty cool." Louis said to me in amazement, reeling AJ in with his arm for a hug. "I've never done it before. It's like ice skating but with boots!" 

"Exactly, that's how your supposed to view it!" AJ answered, hugging Lou back. I loved their relationship, like father and son. I'm honestly happy that we crashed our car and found this place, this is where I've made the only true friends I have and had. 

I coughed up the flem in my throat and leaned up against the wall, struggling to breath a bit. It always happens. I just worry too much and I feel like fainting or something. I looked up to make sure that everyone made it, they did, then I looked back at the ground. Star. There were stars.

"Clem?" I looked up to see Brody looking concerned over me. I smiled back and hugged her. "Are you ok?" She asked me, accepting my tight hug.

"I'm just worrying a bit, that's all. Nothing big. I'm just getting a wave of nausea, it's just the same daily thing." I replied, pulling away from her tight grip. 

"Do you need to sit down? Rest?"

"No, I'm fine. Let's get going. I can't slow you guys down now, I don't want to be deadweight."

"Your not." She smiled softly at me then took my hand. "And I do feel a bit nauseous myself because I'm not used to this all, being outside of the safe zone and all, so Your never alone."

"Thanks." I smiled again and squeezed her hand tightly. "I promise that we'll get somewhere safe before at least 6 months or so and we'll aim to get food and water for at least tomorrow. I just wish that I knew this place off by heart."

"Well...there might be someone that might know this place good but I'm not sure where he camps."

"Do you at least know his name?"

"Yes. His names James. I've bumped into him a few times and he's definitely about our age and I'm 100% sure we can trust him."

"Where do you normally bump into him?"

"Wherever I am. There's no place here that he's not covered."

"I guess we'll just have to wait until he shows up then, right?"

"It depends if he's busy rounding up walkers or not. That's what he's doing for a living it seems like."

"Rounding up walkers? Like sheep?"

"I guess so."

"He seems like one real weird guy."

"Then maybe he is."

Sorry this chapter is so rubbish. The next chapter will be full of adventure, I promise!!  

Louis x Clementine ~ Runaway KidsWhere stories live. Discover now