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Jacob's a mood.

By the time evening rolls around, jacob feels warm and bloated with food, limbs and eyelids heavy as he stretches across the floor, Troye by his side.

So, of course, it's then that he gets a text from Dylan.

'Wanna celebrate Christmas and walk?'

Jacob chuckles, shaking his head as he begins to type out his politely worded 'no'—before Troye suddenly leans his head over, resting his chin on Jacob's shoulder, and gazes down at the screen.

"You can invite him over, you know," he suggests, eyes blinking slow. "Mum and Sage wouldn't mind."

Surprised, Jacob looks to him. "Really?"

Troye shrugs. "Yeah, why not? It'd be nice. Cozy."

"Alright," Jacob nods, smiling as he scoots just that much closer. "Alright, yeah. If you really don't mind."

"I really don't. I think it'd be fun—I like Dylan."

"Is it okay if he brings Jed?"

"Yeah, definitely. I'll make us cocoa. And we can all wear matching jumpers."

Jacob snorts, even as he's texting the offer to Dylan, before wrapping Troye up, pulling him close to his chest. "I despise you," he grins, noses bumping. He can hear the clink of plates and pans in the kitchen—either Laurelle and sage are cleaning up or they're making more food. Either prospect is nice, so lovely and nice.

"Love you, too," Troye mutters, smiling like a star. The tips of his cheeks are pink, his hair's a mussy mess of frizzy curls, and his breath smells like chocolate and peppermint.

Yeah, Jacob definitely loves him.

"I'll help you make the cocoa," jacob says, just as Dylan texts back.

'Sure' it says. Then a moment later, 'My love will join me'

Pffft. How typically poetic of Dylan. It makes Jacob smile—fuck, everything makes Jacob smile. What a sap.

"Yeah," Troye nods, pleased, already getting up. His bones crackle like the fire. "That will be nice. And I'll light my new candles for the occasion!" He grins through his stretched-out yawn, arms lifted high above his head.

Pretty, pretty angel boy.

"Wild," Jacob chuckles, fond, and Troye pinches him before he straightens, offering his hands.

"You're mean," he sing-songs, unbothered. "Now come help me in the kitchen, please."

"Yes, sir," Jacob replies seriously as Troye hauls him up. Their chests bump and they laugh, unable to resist a quick kiss or three.

Their hands linger together as they make their way to the kitchen, hips bumping.


When Dylan and Jed arrive, Sage and Laurelle are still in the kitchen listening to more Christmas tunes while putting the finishes touches on some last-minute meat pies; Troye and Jacob are watching from their spot at the table, sipping large mugs of cocoa and resting warm hands atop each other. They really are like proper husbands, Jacob reckons. It's a startlingly peaceful thought.

"Merry Christmas!" Jed sings happily once he enters, face split with a pink-edged grin. His hair's damp from snow and the tip of his nose is uncommonly red; he looks the spitting image of Christmas. Especially in comparison to Dylan, who's wearing a large black knitted stocking cap with ear flaps, lidded eyes gliding across the room inquisitively, hands deep in the pockets of his enormous orange jacket.

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