Not Express but to Impress

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I put my pen on the paper but there aren't any words to express the confusion in my head
Can I explain something I too don't understand
How am I supposed to say what kind of person am I when I don't know
so instead to express i wrote to impress rhyming as i go ahead
just keep my feelings at bay from where they peek every day
See my false words
ask me why lie
why i say what i dont want to say
why run away from the people you love
these questions keeps coming
i sit quitely in the corner continiuing to to write not express but to impress
the words on the paper dont match the words in the heart
the expression on the face doesnt match the feeling inside
i still write not to express but to impress
did you ask me if im fine?
of course im fine whats gonna happen to me
and then again another lie repeated today
why would i tell you that i feel broken and alone im becoming scared of people that i run away when i get even familiar
Truth ? will that get me praise will that get me apreciation and acceptence
thats why i write to not express but to impress
hoping one day i will forget the feelings I feel and personality im and turn into the person i pretend to be
the strong mature and kind person who people like easily and is so lovable
one day it may happen but its not gonna be today so i sit in to corner and write not to express but to impress
impress the people for whom i dont matter like broken fibers of a dress

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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