Stop waiting

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We humans are as confusing as we are simple. We work hard to achieve our goals and desires so much that we start to reach them. But some people like me can't do that. See, I am Jeremy, a boy who can't even get close to his dreams. And is so tired and fatigued to the point where even thinking about working towards them gives me a panic attack. So I wait until I can, so far nothing has worked. Nothing at all, therapy, being social, working on myself and others, they have not worked. I'm not lazy, I'm not stupid, not at all. I just have a lack of motivation. I'm sure that some people can relate to this dreadful cycle that keeps on going. Hey, that's probably why you're still reading this terrible story. I just want to reach out to the people that still can reach their goals, that still have the stamina and will to keep on going even if it is tiring and draining the ever living daylights out of them. So, stop waiting. Stop waiting for that person to ask you out, stop waiting to finally come out to your family, stop waiting to finally get that inspiration to work on what you love. Because you are so worthy to feel that power after you finish and look at something you have worked ages on, to look proudly on your new work and it springs to life a new kind of feeling and inspiration that some people can achieve. I want you to be that kind of person. I want you to feel as proud as I used to be, don't make up excuses to prevent yourself from finishing that piece of you that you know is calling out for you. You need to keep your goals and be happy with it. Even if it's something silly like finally picking up a pencil and learning how to write. That's what I'm trying to do. Right now I am thinking in my head, A.C.H.I.E.V.E. A is Admiration, C is Creation, H is Hard work, I is inspiration, E is Emotion, V is Valid, E is Empowerment. When you achieve those things, you feel each and every one of those, the admiration of your work that took a long amount of your week. When you finally created something you are proud of. That hard work that you made with such determination. Remember the inspiration that you felt inside you that actually made you want to start. Emotions that led you to create that, or achieve that, it blossomed inside of you and it made you want to work harder than you ever have. All your work and thoughts are valid, that creepypasta that you have been wanting to make for the past few months is just as valid as you going on stage and preforming something great. That empowerment that you have wanted to feel your whole life is finally helping you to achieve something great. I hope you feel that urge again, and I hope you stop waiting for those things to happen, do it and make it the best decision you have ever made.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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