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Marcus - a 17 year old boy, 180 cm tall, dark brown hair, circular John Lennon like glasses, loves the color black, famous on YouTube and Byte(Byte is an app that should be like Vine 2.0 but it hasn't been released yet), lives with his mom that travels a lot so he is mostly alone at home, loves to party, loves to have a drink of a good wine, smokes cigarettes

Bella - a 16 year old girl, 174 cm tall, black long hair, studies a lot, has a couple of good friends (Anne, Nicole and Natalie), lives with her mom and her older sister which is in colleague ( her name is Emma), loves to cook

Here is a little bit info about some of the characters that will be in this story :

Corinna - Marcus's mom

Anne - has been Bella's friend since first grade

Nicole - she meet Bella at piano lessons

Natalie - she is Bella's best friend, they are neighbours

Michael - Marcus's best friend, they have known each other their whole life

Maryann - Marcus's mom

Emma - Bella's sister, she is 20

Prologue :

It is February of 2019. There is 4 months until summer break starts. Everyone can't wait for it. They have a lot of plans for this summer. Marcus can't wait to start hanging out with Bella. That's the only thing on his mind now. While Bella is terrified of her piano finals. If she passes she can go to any music colleague in the country so this is a big deal for her. 

If there are any questions and/or ideas don't be scared to leave a comment. I will certainly go through those. 

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