Today was gonna be a great day

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This is gonna be most of the things Jeremy did that hurt Michael, all from Micha's POV.


Today was  gonna be a great day!

I thought to myself as I was on my way to hel - I mean my highschool. With some Bob Marley blasting through my headphones, I was (almost) happy to go to school.  The reason was clear. Jeremy. More specifically, today I'm planning to come out to him! I'll invite him over to my house after school to play games or something and then I'll tell him that I'm gay. Like I know he probably already knows it. I mean it's kinda hard to miss the 'pride' patch on my hoodie, but I have never actually - properly - came out to him. I'm sooo excited!

~ time skiiip ~

After second period, I started looking for Jeremy. I didn't see him at school, but he could just be late. Where could he be? Maybe the bathroom...To the bathroom then.

I went to the bathroom, but it was empty. Well except that one puking guy. But it's not Jeremy, he's shoes are different. I shrugged and turned around to exit the bathroom. I heard the, oh so familiar, hella annoying ringing, meaning it's time for the third period. Walking down the hallway to my next class, I noticed a small, red backpack in the crowd. There he is! Jeremy was taking some books from his locker and packing them into his bag. So I jogged over, not wanting to be late for class.

"Jer!" I shouted to get his attention

But he just kept on packing his books, as If I wasn't there


Still nothing?


Has he gone deaf? And blind. At the same time...

"Are you ignoring me on purpose? 'Cause If you are then, that's my thing!"

He shut his locker and started to walk away, towards our class. I grabbed him by his arm.

"Are you mad at me? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong? Please just say If you're mad at me." He just stood there, looking into space in front of him. He didn't even flinch when I gripped him. That's not weird at all...I let go of his arm after a while of awkard silence and he continued to make his way to the classroom. But I didn't move or went after him. I was already late eitherway. I'm just gonna skip this lesson and think his behaviour through in the bathroom, because why not? After third period there's a lunch break, so maybe I'll get to talk to Jeremy about this.

~ In the bathroom (aka Michael in the bathroom) ~

He'd usually be like "Michael! I was just looking for you!", or "Micha! Great to see you dude!", even hug me maybe, and know he acted like I didn't exist. It wasn't very funny to me anymore. Jeremy's not THAT type of a boy. THAT type who would make a huge deal out of something completely stupid and unimportant. Why, the hell, is he acting this way then? I don't remember doing anything wrong or having a fight with him. We haven't had a fight in ages. Weeell he can't ignore me like that for the whole day now, can he?

~ Lunch break ~

I wasn't really hungry today, so I decided to just go look for Jeremy. It was a really warm and sunny day, he's definitely  sitting somewhere outside. I looked around and saw Rich, Jake, Chloe, Brooke, Jenna and Christine, all sitting at the same table. Right, all the popular kids stick together. I passed their table a bit faster, not wanting to be called names again. I noticed Jer sitting alone in our favorite table, as far from the other tables as physically possible. I walked over and sat next to him. Close. Some may say too close, but that was kind of 'our thing'. We would never sit opposite each other. Always next to each other. And always very close, because we feel safer that way. There was that one time, some dumb jock beat me up. Jeremy was sitting a little to far from me to react and the jocks' friends took him by his arms so that he couldn't move or help me. Conclusion: always sit close to each other and you'll be alright.

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