How do you say "I love you"?

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This is gonna be one of those stories.
Jeremy desperately tries to tell Michael that he loves him.

Jeremy's POV.

"Hey Michael?"

"Yes Jeremy?"

"There's something I need to tell you..."

"What is it, Jeremy?"

"I think I lo - Aaaarhgg this is stupid!" I was currently standing in front of a mirror in my bedroom and pretending that I'm talking to Michael. I've tried to tell the imaginary Michael that I love him for at least an hour already, yet to no avail. Everytime I'm supposed to tell him those three, supposedly, simple words, I start to feel embarassed and stupid.

If I can't even say this to my reflection in the mirror then how am I supposed to say it to the real Michael?

I, as an idiot I am, promised myself that I'm gonna tell him this tomorrow after school. He's driving me home, so I think It'll be a perfect occasion for a confession. Though let's just relax now and don't think about it too much. It's pretty late, I'll go to sleep and I'm gonna be stressing out tomorrow.

~ time skip to the next day ~

Oh my god, I can't do this. I feel like I'm about to puke. I'm sweating hard right now and breathing heavily. My whole face is red. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shiiit. Why does it have to be so hard? Well, probably because this can ruin our 12 years of friendship completely.

But on the bright side, it can also make me and Michael official boyfriends. And, eitherway, I can't keep on hiding the truth for any longer, I'll just have to tell him, no matter how absolutely nerve-wracking it is...

I open the door to my highschool and automatically feel my stomach feeling up with dread. I hate this school and the only reason it's possible for me to survive it, is Michael. Although right now, I feel more anxious than happy about seeing my best friend.

I walk through the hallway, towards my locker. Trying very hard to remain unseen. If Rich or Jake would've seen me right now, that would mean getting the shit beat out of me. I enter the code to my locker, which is the date of a day me and Michael first met., I'm not obsessed with Michael... It's just easier for me to remember it. I start packing some books from my locker into my backpack, my 'boyf' backpack, when I hear a familiar, happy voice.

"Jeremy, buddy!" I turn around and I'm faced with Michael. Michael standing very close to me. Oof.

"H-hi MichaAel, what's u-up?" Dammit, my stutter gave me away.

My friend just laughed friendly and gave me a light smack on the arm "What's gotten you all nervous Jer-Bear?" Why did he have to call me this hella cute nickname right now?

"Pffffft! What are you talking about, Micha? Everythingstotallyfinegreat."

Michael opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "Anyways, you're still driving me home after school, right?"

My best friend looked very confused now, but he still answered me "Obviously...Why wouldn't I, Jeremy?"

"I-I'm just checking. Ya know, I wouldn't want to walk all the way to my house." I laughed nervously.

"Umm, okay? Is everything alright, Jer?" He asked, clueless.

"Yep! All good." I put my hands on his chest and shoved him off a little, so that he wasn't so close to me. I then heard the bell ring. Time for the first period. "Oh look we have to go now, the lesson is starting." I closed my locker and threw my backpack on my back. Well, that was close...Now I just have to wait till the end of school.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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