Ch 4. Four

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Tris POV

After what seem like forever it was over ! It felt amazing! Wait what?! Really tris you think of that after what he made you do! I can't help it he was just so sexy and I think I like him! No tris he a man whore you can't fall for it! But he just so perfect ! Don't even think about it he is trouble.

I finally realize that he is staring at me with his stormy blue eyes. His eyes I just could melt for over and over.

"Thanks." he say.

"I said that aloud didn't I "

"Yes you did " he laughs. Omg his laugh is so cute. He didn't say thing so good I said in my head this time. I check the time and panic.

" You have to go my dad going to be here any mintue!" I say him

"He over protective or- he didn't get to finish because the front door opens and I hear a terrible man voice say


"Go out the window now !"

"Okay bye tris see ya at school tomorrow." he says

He leaves just as my dad opens the door and says

"You know the drill! Shirt off!"

I do what he says and try not to think about his belt unloosing. The belt comes down hard on my back, and I clench my teeth to not scream in pain.

He whips me 46 times and kicks me a couple more times and I almost pass out. I crawl to my bathroom and look at the damage. I'm going to bruised tomorrow on my second day too!

I clean my self up, hop in my bed and dream about four....

Four POV

Tris was amazing back there I didn't know she had if in her. She made me feel like I was on top of the world. It wasn't her first time because she was just so wow. I wonder what other sercerts she hiding?

I can't wait to see her tomorrow at school. Maybe she changed me in a better person. I really do like her she just so perfect.

*evil voice* Well I'm glad you think four because your not going to think that tomorrow.

"Who are you?"

*evil voice* I'm gonna make sure you treat tris terrible, and that she'll never like you. She go run after another boy maybe zeke or Uriah ?

"Why are you doing this to me ?I'm going to the good side they have cookies."

*evil voice * First of all if you come to my side we have dauntless cake.


*evil voice * So go to sleep and dream about you hateing tris

"Ok by evil ."

Well that was strange but I'm starting to hate tris, and I don't know why. I'm going to make her life miserable.

I hop into my bed dreaming about hating tris when my bedroom door slams open. My drunk father who abuses me come in and yells,

"You know the drill! Shirt off!" I do as I'm told because arguing won't help me.

The belt comes down hard across my back he whips me 46 times, and I'm about to pass out. He kicks me a couple of time, and then I hear a snap on my knee. I scream in pain and get more kicks.

He finally leaves and I'm crawling trying not to move my knee. It's defentily broken I can already tell, because it's at a weird angle.

I clean my back up and look at my knee. I shiver. I can handle bones being out of place. I try to stand up to fix my knee but fail miserably. I crawl to my bed and put it under it.

I secure it and jump to the side , and I scream in pain. A least it's forward again I think myself. I'm seriously going to have to miss a half of the day to go to the hospital. I mentally groan to myself.

I crawl into bed and dream about tris .....

- Doctorwholover

Ik I haven't updating in awhile in busy with school and band and homework. I promise I will update as I can. I hop yourll like it. Ik it's short. Comment if you want longer. And don't forget to vote.

Stay awesome possums!

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