We <3 Spideypool

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    Peter waddles to the common room couch and sits down. He's 9 months pregnant and his baby is due any day now. The rest of the team is wandering throughout the tower, preparing everything forthe family's newest addition. Wade has a job out in Maine and should be back by this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the latest. Peter reaches forward to grab the TV remote when he feels a sudden wetness between his legs.
     "Nonononono." Peter mumbles to himself. "F-Friday alert Dad and Pops a-and the team." He takes a deep breath. "The baby is coming." Peter takes another deep breath and he hears the elevator door ding.
     "Pete?" He hears his dad call out. Peter sighs in relief at his father's voice.
     "I-in here." He responds. Soon Tony and the rest of the avengers are running into the living room to find Peter. Steve bends down to pick up his son.
      "Bruce is preparing the MedBay, and Wade is finishing things up on his mission then he'll be back." He presses a kiss to the crown of Peter's head.
      "W-What if he doesn't m-make it b-back in time?"
      "Don't worry baby, he will." The blonde responds soothingly. Once the team crowds into the elevator, Peter still in Steve's arms, Peter gets his first contraction. He whimpers and turns his face into his dad's chest.
     "What's wrong baby?" Tony asks.
     "I-It hurts." Peter's breathing starts to quicken. He can't do this, especially without Wade here.
     "Calm down, Bambi. It's alright." Tony soothes. He runs a hand through Peter's hair and the elevator doors open. The team makes their way to the prepared room, and Steve lays Peter down on the bed.
     "How you feeling Pete?" Bruce asks the teen while snapping on a pair of   latex-free gloves.
      "Not good." Peter whines, squirming on the bed. Bruce lays a comforting hand on Peter's leg and runs his thumb back and forth.
      "I know it's not fun, but it will be worth it in the end." Bruce hands Peter a hospital gown to put on. "Once you get this on I'll take a look and see how everything is going." Peter nods and lets Steve help him take off his clothes and put on the gown. Once the gown is on, Peter slips off his boxers. Once Peter lays back down and gets situated, Bruce helps him lift his legs into the stirrups. Peter's face is flushed red, from both embarrassment and being in the first stages of labor, as Bruce lays a medical blanket over Peter's legs. Tony sits at the head of Peter's hospital bed and moves Peter's head onto his lap. Peter smiles as a thanks and moves his gaze to the ceiling, starting to feel even more uncomfortable. 
      "No need to be embarrassed, Pete." Clint states as he moved to go sit in a plastic chair near Peter's bed.
      "Yeah we've been here before with Tony." Sam agreed. "Except you're way less cranky." He added with a smirk.
      "You ready Pete?" Oh god he hasn't even started yet?!
      "Y-yeah." Bruce smiles and positions himself between Peter's legs. Peter hides his face in Tony's stomach when he can feel Bruce begin.
      "I know baby, it's almost over." Tony soothed while running a hand through his kid's hair.
      "Okay Peter," Bruce begins ,"you are only half a centimeter dilated, but that was to be expected because you haven't really had any contractions yet. Otherwise, everything else looks good. I'll check again in an hour or two." He finishes with a smile. He takes his legs out of the stirrups and curls towards Tony even more.
(2 hours later)
      Today Midtown School of Science and Technology is taking a field trip to Stark Industries. As the class starts entering the bus, Ned gets an alert on his phone.
Peterman🕷🤙🏻: My water just broke...
Guy in the Chair👀💪🏻: OMG! R u okay?
Guy in the Chair👀💪🏻: Is Wade back yet?
Peterman🕷🤙🏻:Yea, I'm fine...and no he's not back yet
Peterman🕷🤙🏻: I'll keep u updated
Guy in the Chair👀💪🏻: K, don't worry I'm sure he'll make it
Guy in the Chair👀💪🏻: Good luck man
Peterman🕷🤙🏻: Thx, dude
     Ned sighed, this was going to be quite the field trip. He voiced the news to MJ who was located next to him and she smiled.
     "I now really want to go on this field trip." She says grinning even more. "I just knew Peter's 'Parker Luck' would have an effect on this day somehow." She adds. Ned nods in agreement and puts his headphones on. It's a two and a half hour bus ride to the compound, and this trip might include more than what was written on the permission slip.
   -five hours into labor-
      Peter whimpers as another contraction hits him. His dad and pops look down at him as he starts to hiccup and whine.
      "Another contraction?" Steve asks. Peter silently nods and buries his head back into his dad's stomach. Peter was now hooked up into and IV and a heart monitor, but he can't be given any pain meds due to his high metabolism. "Okay, deep breaths, Pete." Steve starts taking exaggerated breaths for Peter to follow. Soon, the contraction subsides and Peter lets his muscles relax. Tony massages Peter's firm stomach and whispers comforting things to his son.
     "This sucks." Peter mumbles.
      "But your contractions seem to be decently close together, so things might go faster than we expected." Bruce pitches in.
      "But I'm still gonna be here for hours." Peter whines.
      "Better than days." Natasha states. 
      "Still hurts." Pete grumbles. "And I never got to eat my bagel."
      "Bucky is bringing down some food and coffee in like five minutes. Think you can wait until then?" Steve asks with a smile.
      "Maybe, but only if he brings apple juice." Peter says tiredly.
      "I think we can arrange that." The blonde man responded. Peter then looks up at Tony.
      "Dad?" Peter asks.
      "Yea bud?" Tony responds.
      "I'm sorry for putting you through this 16 years ago."
      "All is forgiven, Pete." Tony says with a wave of his hand. A knock on the door grabs everyone's attention. Sam goes to open the door and is happy when he sees Bucky carrying 3 McDonalds bags and a mini bottle of apple juice.
      "Room service." He calls, setting the bags on a table and handing Peter his juice.
      "Thanks." Peter says quietly. Everyone smiles at the baby avenger.
      "Your welcome Spiderbaby." Bucky teases. Everyone begins eating, but Peter sets down his apple juice and leans against his father's chest when he feels another contraction coming. This one was way stronger than the last and surprised the young hero. The sudden burst of pain made Peter cry out. Tony sets down his coffee cup and starts massaging Peter's stomach again.
      "Daddy it hurts." Peter sobbed. That's when everyone's hearts broke.
      "I know baby, but you're doing so good. I want you to take some nice big deep breaths for me alright?" Tony says while continuing to rub Peter's swollen stomach.
      "I-I can't." Peter pants. "It's too m-much." He lays his head on his father's chest and tries to slow his breathing. Tony starts planting kisses onto Peter's hairline. Steve grabs a hold on one of Peter's hands and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
      "You're doing so good Bambi. So proud of you." Steve murmurs while caressing Peter's hand with his thumb. He feels Peter squeeze back and he's glad that he has the serum, otherwise he'd be nursing a broken hand right now. Once the heart monitor had slowed down and Peter had started to relax, Peter laid down on the bed.
      "Why don't you get some sleep bud, your gonna need it." Tony says with a smile while running a hand through Peter's hair. It didn't take long for Peter's world to go dark. 
      Throughout Peter's nap the Avengers would notice Peter tense up during contractions, and occasionally whine in his sleep. But every time that would happen, Tony would be there rubbing his stomach and Steve would hold his hand and whisper soothing things to his son. After 3 and a half hours Peter wakes up due to a strong contraction. He shoots up into a sitting position and almost hits Tony in the face.
-9 hours into labor-
      "Hey baby, it's okay." Tony says while pulling Peter against his chest.
      "D-Dad." Peter whines.
      "I know baby, I know. You're six centimeters dilated right now. The contractions are going to be stronger, but you can do it."
      "Where's Wade?" Peter cries.
      "He's almost here." Sam says. "Only about 30 minutes away."
      "O-Okay." Peter turns to his dad. "Why isn't it s-stopping?" Peter whines.
      "Contractions are going to be longer now too." Tony reasons.
      "Breathe Pete." Steve says calmly. "Big deep breaths."
      "Good job маленький паук. So strong." Natasha praises. The contraction is finally starting to die down and Peter melts into his dad.
      "That," Peter pants ,"was intense."
      "You're doing so good Pete. Over half way done too." Tony states.
      "Already doing better than your old man." Clint jokes.
      "In my defense," Tony claims," I was in labor for over two days."
      "If I have to do this for more than 24 hours, I'm punching Uncle Clint." Peter says seriously. Sam chokes on his water.
      "Why me?" Clint sputters.
      "Because you're the most annoying out of everyone here." Peter says nonchalantly. Steve chuckles.
      "You are definitely Tony's son." Sam says.
      "Ain't that the truth." Clint mumbles. "Little demon." Peter throws his half full juice bottle at Clint's head.
      "Super hearing." Peter murmurs.
      Midtown arrives at the Avengers Compound after the long bus ride. Ned And MJ are quietly discussing baby names and what the future heir to Stark Industries is going to look like.
      "If that baby has Peter's eyes it's going to have the best super power of all." MJ says seriously "Puppy eyes. That child could get anything it's small heart desires."
      "Either way Tony and Wade going to spoil that kid rotten." Ned points out.
      "True." MJ agrees. The first half of the tour was uneventful, the class only viewing lower-level labs and office floors. The only thing keeping the two teens awake were the occasional updates from Peter. By lunchtime the duo was starting to get restless.
      "What if he has the baby while our class is touring the MedBay?" Ned asks nervously.
      "Knowing his luck he will." MJ retorts. "Plus almost our entire class knows he's in labor anyways. If he does have it while we're here, I want to hold that baby ASAP."
      "Me too." Ned says through a mouthful of tuna sandwich.
-10 hours into labor-
    "Peter, I know you don't like this part but I need to check your dilation." Bruce says calmly.
      "Okay." Peter says while breathing through another contraction. As Bruce moves the stirrups into place, a familiar voice enters the room.
      "Baby Boy!" Wade yells. At least he had the decency to shower and change before he got here, Peter thought.
      "Wade!" Peter sighs in relief. "Thank god." Wade moves closer to Peter as the rest of the team renters the room.
      "Wilson, glad you can finally join us." Tony says while patting Wade on the back.
      "Sorry I took so long." Wade apologizes. "One of those HYDRA bastards broke one of my katanas. So I only had one to take over that whole base."
      "You took down a HYDRA base with only a sword." Clint says stunned.
      "Bea is not just a sword. She is a glowing, beautiful, badass katana." Wade retorts. Sam was about to say something when Peter let out a small whine of pain and everyone turned towards him. Wade crouches down beside Peter's bed. "Hey Petey." He says while running a hand through his hair. A few tears slip from Peter's eyes but Wade wipes them away. "What's wrong?"
      "It hurts, Wade." Peter cries. Wade coos and plants a kiss on Peter's forehead.
      "Aww, I hate seeing my baby boy in so much pain." Wade smiles. "What can I do to make you feel better?"
      "C-Can you," Peter starts nervously ,"s-sit with me?"
      "Sure I can." Wade sits on the bed and Peter lays his head on his lap. Wade chuckles and continues running a hand through his hair. He runs his hand over Peter's swollen stomach and starts kneading and massaging it. "You're so strong Petey." Wade encourages. "Totally kicking this labor thing in the ass." A short time later, the contraction began to die down.
      "Alright Peter," Bruce says gaining the teen's attention ,"I need to check your dilation." He says gesturing towards the stirrups.
      "Fine." Peter grumbles. Bruce helps him lift his legs onto the stirrups, and lays a blanket over his legs. 
      "He's lucky," Wade chuckles to Peter," he gets to look at that cute ass of yours." Peter's face turns bright red and he lets out a flustered 'shut up'.
      "He's not wrong kiddo." Tony smiled. "It's pretty cute." Peter groans loudly, but freezes when he feels Bruce begin.
      "Relax, baby boy." Wade soothes while squeezing the nape of Peter's neck. Peter lets out a high pitched whine and turns into Wade's shirt. "Hey look Petey, he's all done." Wade says warmly. Peter looks up at Wade with red-rimmed eyes. "Aww, Baby Boy." Wade says sadly. "It's okay."
      "I'm sorry." Peter chokes out.
      "Hey, hey, none of that Petey. You have nothing to be sorry for." Wade states. Bruce and Steve lift Peter's legs out of the stirrups and lay them on the bed gently.
      "Well, you're 8 centimeters dilated." Bruce says with a smile. "So you're almost done." Peter gets another contraction and grabs onto Wade's hand.
      "Relax baby boy." Wade comforts while kneading at Peter's stomach. "Just relax." After another minute of the nonstop contraction, Peter can hear the baby's heart rate slow down, which causes him to panic.
      "B-Bruce, what's happening." Peter asks.
      "It's okay Peter, the contraction is just taking some energy away from the baby." Bruce answers calmly. "I'm going to give you some oxygen so we can get the heart rate back up. Okay?" Peter nods his head in confirmation. The contraction is still hitting Peter at full force and is starting to overwhelm Peter.
      "Hey baby relax." Tony says. "You freaking out won't do the baby any good, take some deep breaths for me."  Bruce places the oxygen mask on Peter's face.
      "I need you to hold this here okay buddy?" Bruce asks gently. Peter nods his head again.
      "It's alright baby boy." Wade says warmly. "Our little baby is strong just like his daddy. They're gonna be okay."
      "Promise?" Peter asked, muffled by the oxygen mask.
      "Cross my heart." Wade responds passionately. Peter continues to breathe through the contraction while squeezing Wade's hand.
      "Why is this contraction taking so long?" Clint asked, voicing almost everyone's thoughts.
      "The baby and body are both trying to rush the labor, and it's causing a lot of movement in the uterus, thus making the contraction last longer. The longer contraction is also making the baby's heart rate slow down."
      "Will this do any damage to the baby?" Steve asked concerned.
      "No, but if this keeps happening we may have to do an emergency C-section." Peter starts panicking even more. "But because Peter is already so far into the labor process, I don't think that will happen."
      "Will this do any damage to Peter?" Wade asks.
      "Possibly, but it's very unlikely." Bruce says truthfully. "For right now, he just has to go through the pain of longer contractions and use the oxygen mask." He smiles at Peter.
      "You can't catch any breaks can ya kiddo?" Sam says sympathetically.
      "Yeah poor kid couldn't even finish his apple juice." Bucky says jokingly, successfully making Peter laugh. Peter looks so small laying in the hospital bed, the oxygen mask making him look impossibly younger. After two more minutes, Peter finally relaxes.
      "H-How long was th-that?" Peter asks out of breath.
      "Just over five minutes." Bruce responds.
      "Damn, Pete. How are you still in one piece?" Clint jokes.
      "Beats me." He says shocked. He sits up with the assistance of Wade, and is now laying against his boyfriend's toned chest. Wade massages Peter's stomach soothingly and occasionally kisses the back of Peter's head. "I love you." Peter says tiredly.
      "I love you too, baby boy. So much." Wade
      "Okay class!" The tour guide, Maria, states. "We are going to head to the lower level training rooms, then finish off the tour with a trip to the Medical Wing." She smiles and leads the class towards the training rooms. Ned And MJ look at each other an think, oh this is going to be fun.
      -eleven hours into labor-
      "9 centimeters!" Bruce announces happily.
      "You're so close, Pete." Clint states excitedly. Peter leans into Wade's embrace even more.
      "You're doing so good baby boy." Wade continues to rub Peter's stomach and kiss the top of his head. Peter was finally able to ditch the oxygen mask after the baby's heart rate came back up.
      "C-can we walk a-around, Wade?" Peter asks timidly. "Everything hurts." He whines.
      "Sure baby boy." Wade stands up and lifts Peter up by his armpits. Once Peter's feet are on the ground, Wade kisses him on the lips and rubs his back. "Feel better?"
      "Y-yeah." Peter grunts. "The contractions a-are just getting r-really strong."
      "Why don't you try sitting on the yoga ball?" Tony suggests. "It definitely helped me when I had you."
      "It will also help the baby get into the right position for the birthing process." Bruce inputs.
      "O-okay." Peter agrees. Steve picks up the large, red yoga ball and places it right next to Peter's bed. Peter carefully sits down on the ball and rests his forearms on the bed. Wade starts to massage Peter's back and sides while coaching him through the contraction. Peter starts crying when a particularly strong contraction hits him.
      "We're almost done Petey." Wade comforts. "So close to meeting our baby."
      "Now for the last part of our tour, we will be going through the MedBay. This is where the Avengers and Stark industries staff go when they are injured or sick at work." Maria smiles. "But you have to be very quiet, especially as of right now." She commands.
      "Why? Are one of the Avengers hurt?" One of the students asked.
      "No." Maria starts "But there is a new life being brought into this world."
      "A baby?!" Another girls squeals excitedly. People around her shush her. "Sorry." She whispers.
      "Yes, the next heir to Stark Industries is being born." Maria says enthusiastically.
      "I thought Peter was the next heir to Stark industries." Flash wondered aloud. Then it clicked. "Holy shit!" He yelled. "It's Peter's kid!" More people squealed only to get shushed again.
      "Is the baby here yet?"
      "Not yet, but soon." Maria says while leading them to the elevator
      Peter was back on the oxygen mask due to another elongated contraction. Wade was sitting next to him, smoothing back his sweat soaked bangs. Peter was getting nervous for the delivery of his child, but is excited to meet his baby. The hormones were starting to get to him and he voiced his thoughts to Wade.
      "No need to be nervous Baby Boy. Doctor Green Bean is here to take care of you." Wade said warmly. "Plus we're going to be here the whole time."
      "Pepper is coming too." Tony adds. "She just got out of a meeting." As if on queue, Pepper walks in with a smile on her face.
      "Hey Peter." She says sweetly. "How are you feeling?"
      "Not good." He says quietly. Pepper winces in sympathy and starts scratching the boys scalp. Her long nails feeling like heaven on the young boy's scalp.
      "Yeah? Tony was keeping me updated and I heard you had quite the scare." She says with a pout.
      "Yeah." He says muffled by the mask on his face. "But it's okay now."
      "That's good."
      "10 centimeters." Bruce announces.
      "Wade." Peter says nervously.
      "Right here, baby boy." Wade says kindly. Steve moves to Peter's right side and holds his hand, Wade doing the same thing on his left. Tony is standing next to Wade by Peter's leg, giving his calf a comforting squeeze. Bruce is sitting in between Peter's legs and the rest of the team is standing near Steve and Bruce.
      "Okay Pete, are you ready?" Bruce asks.
      "Y-Yeah." Peter responds nervously.
      "You can do it Bambi." Steve coaches.
      "Big breath, and push." Bruce instructs. Peter inhales shakily and pushes down. Wade kisses the top of his head and whispers into his ear.
       "So good." Wade encourages. "So strong, my baby boy is so strong." He continues to praise. Peter releases his breath after ten seconds and looks at his dad.
      "Good job, baby. Doing so good." Tony responds. Unknowingly to everyone, Midtown High is watching through the one-way viewing window. (Don't worry, Peter's bottom half is covered by a blanket.)
      "Again." Bruce commands. "Good job Peter keep going."
      "It's burning!" Peter frantically yells after ten more seconds of pushing.
      "The baby is crowning." Bruce explains. "I need you to pant so I can free the head."
      "I-I can't." Peter cries.
      "Peter listen to me," Bruce starts calmly,"you're starting to tear. You will tear even more if you keep pushing. You need to pant, then the pressure will stop. Okay?"
      "Bruce please!" Peter pleads. "I-I can't do it."
      "Yes you can." Wade answers. "You are so strong and you can do this, baby boy. Now I want you to breathe like this...hoo hoo hee, hoo hoo hee." Peter mimics Wade's breathing while Bruce starts to free the head. Tears start streaming from Peter's eyes as he feels Bruce struggle to free the head.
      "There we go." Bruce announces with his hands cradling the baby's head. "Another push Peter." Peter does as he's told and continues to cry as he's pushing.
      "We can see the top of the baby's head." Tony says happily. "Got a full head of hair, just like you did, baby."
      "...3...2...1." Bruce finishes counting.
      "Doing so good Petey." Wade praises. "Such a good omega."
      "Warm." Peter pants out.
      "You getting too warm, baby boy?" Wade questions. Peter just nods his head in response.
      "I've got you Bambi." Steve brings a cold, damp cloth and wipes the sweat off of his forehead. He then holds it to the back of Peter's neck.
      "Okay Pete, get ready to push again." Bruce states. "And...push!" Peter grits down and squeezes Steve and Wade's hands. "One more push, them we'll have the head out." Bruce announces after 10 seconds.
      "How are you feeling Pete?" Clint asks.
      "Tired." Peter responds simply. "And hot."
      "Well you're almost done." Pepper comforts. Peter nods and pushes again.
      "10...9...8..." Bruce counts down.
      "So close baby." Tony smiles.
      "We have a head!" Bruce says excitedly. Wade looks between Peter's legs by Bruce's hands.
      "They're beautiful, baby boy!" Wade gives Peter a kiss and pushes back his sweaty bangs.
      "Almost done Pete." Bruce says. "I need a really big push now to get the shoulders." Peter nods and pushes. "Harder, Peter." Bruce commands.
      "C'mon baby, you can do it." Tony encourages. Peter stops pushing and shakes his head.
      "I-I'm sorry." Peter cries.
      "Peter you have to keep pushing." Bruce commands. "Otherwise you're going to hurt your baby."
      "C'mon Pete." Bucky encourages.
      "You can do it." Sam continues.
      "We know you can." Steve finishes.
      "At least try." Pepper encourages. "Give it all you've got."
      "O-Okay." Peter breathes. "I-I'll try." He grits down and pushes with everything he has.
      "Good, harder Peter." Bruce encourages.
      "There you go baby boy." Wade soothes. "Nice big push, Petey."
      "We have shoulders." Bruce announces. "Keep pushing Peter, you're so close."
      "Stomach! Hands! Knees!" Tony exclaims. Peter relaxes when he feels the pressure release, and he slumps back into the pillows. Bruce unwraps the umbilical cord from around the baby's neck and waits in anticipation.
      "W-Why isn't the baby crying?" Peter asks nervously. Then a shrill cry fills everyone's ears and they relax. Peter starts crying from relief.
      "It's a boy!" Bruce yells while placing the squirming baby on Peter's now bare chest. Peter keeps crying while he looks at his baby.
      "H-he's here. H-He's real. Wade look, we have a baby." Peter says quietly. "Hey baby." He says happily. "I'm your daddy, this is your papa." He holds the baby and strokes his stomach to get him to stop crying. "We love you so much."
      "He's beautiful, baby boy." Wade praises. "You did so good, I'm so so so proud of you." He kisses Peter then his unnamed son. Peter nuzzles his face into their baby's neck to scent him and tell if he was an alpha, beta, or omega.
      "Alpha." Peter claims smiling. "Takes after his papa." Peter strokes his baby's stomach one more time before kissing his forehead. The unnamed baby opens his eyes to look up at his dad, brown doe eyes looking up at him.
      "He has your eyes, Bambi." Steve points out.
      "The worlds mightiest weapon." Natasha jokes.
      "No kidding," Tony chuckles," you have no idea how much ice cream I bought due to those eyes."
      "Okay Pete," Bruce says calmly ,"I'm sorry but we need to stitch you up, then check up on baby to make sure he's okay." If Midtown left the facility in tears, no one questioned it.
      "Okay." Peter reluctantly handed his baby to Bruce and looked over to Wade. "Can you sit by me?" He asks quietly to Wade.
      "Of course I can baby boy." Wade sits down and Peter places his head on Wade's lap. "How are you feeling?"
      " 'S kinda," Peter starts ,"h-hard to breathe." He says nervously.
      "Hey, hey, relax Petey. You're alright." Wade comforts. Bruce looks over at the two confused. Wade waves him over and Bruce tells Tony to keep an eye on the baby.
      "What's wrong?" He asks concerned.
      "G-Getting hard to breathe." Peter says quietly.
      "Okay," Bruce says thoughtfully ,"that's probably from exhaustion. Your body was pushed a lot today. I want you to use the oxygen mask for a little bit, and if nothing changes, then we'll run some scans." Bruce grabs the oxygen mask and hands it over to Wade. Wade places the mask on Peter's face and holds it there. Bruce moves back in between Peter's legs to stitch him up where he teared.
      "Get some sleep baby boy." Wade says quietly while brushing back Peter's sweaty bangs. "You look so tired."
      "Don' wanna leave baby." Peter mumbles.
      "He'll be here when you wake up, I promise." Wade says sweetly.
      "M'kay." Peter responds while closing his eyes. "G'night."
      "Sweet dreams baby boy." Wade responds.
      "Oh my god." Ned says shocked.
      "That was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life." MJ states with a smile.
      "Did you really just call something cute? You? Michelle Jones." Ned asks jokingly.
      "I can't help it!" MJ says while lightly punching Ned's arm. "Even someone who's as cold-hearted as a criminal would find that adorable. I mean everything that just happened, would make a great romantic comedy." She points out.
      "Can't argue with that logic." Ned says while matching the girl's wide smile.
      "Hey baby boy, it's time to wake up." Wade says while gently shaking Peter.
      "Five more minutes." Peter requests tiredly.
      "But baby is hungry now. He needs his mama." Wade chuckles. Peter sits up and groans, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
      "Fine." Peter mumbles. "But I don't know what I'm doing."
      "That's why we're going to help you." Tony says. "I have some experience in this area." Tony sits across from Peter on the hospital bed while holding the newborn.
      "Can I take this off?" Peter asks, gesturing to the oxygen mask.
      "For now, but when you done feeding I want you to put it back on." Bruce requests.
      "Okay." Peter reaches shaky fingers up to the mask but can't get them to take it off.
      "Here baby boy, let me help you." Wade says helpfully. He unstrapped the mask from Peter's head and places it in the bedside table.
      "Okay." Peter says, ready to feed his baby.
      "First, you're going to need to expose your chest. For now you can untie the first string of the gown." Wade helps Peter untie the top of the hospital gown. Then Peter looked up at his dad, ready for the next step. "Okay now you need to hold your baby over you chest." Tony hands the baby to his sons and Peter holds the baby close to him. "Then position him like this..." Tony moves the baby into the correct position on Peter's chest. "The the baby will do the rest." Tony finishes. "It might be a little uncomfortable at first, but it gets better." Peter looks down at his baby who is now happily eating his dinner. Peter feels Wade kiss the top of his head, so he looks up.
      "You did a good job baby boy." Wade smiles. "Already a pro at this whole mommy thing." Wade chuckles.
      "We haven't even been doing this for 24 hours." Peter retorts.
      "Still doing a good job." Wade kisses Peter's head and rubs his back. Peter looks back down when he notices that the baby has stopped sucking.
      "Looks like baby is full." Peter notices.
      "Here, let me burp him." Steve offers. "You look tired, go back to sleep."
      "I'm fine." Peter insists. Wade takes the baby from Peter's arms and hands it to Steve.
      "Go to sleep baby boy." Wade soothes.
      "With the oxygen mask." Bruce adds. Wade grabs the mask off of the table and holds it to Peter's face.
      "Don't worry baby." Tony says quietly. "We're not going anywhere." That's the last thing Peter hears before his world goes black.
      When Peter wakes up again, he sees Wade holding their baby against his chest. Peter smiles at the scene and sees Wade smile back.
      "Have a nice nap?" Wade asked.
      "Oh yeah." Peter chuckles. Peter looks at his baby, sleeping soundly in Wade's muscular arms. "Liam." He whispers.
      "What was that baby boy?" Wade asks.
      "What about Liam?" Peter asks a little louder after clearing his throat. Wade looks back down at the baby in his arms, then back to his beautiful boyfriend.
      "Liam...I like it."
      "Liam Winston Stark-Rodgers." Peter said confidentially. Wade's eyes light up. "If he's going to have my last name, he can have your middle name." Peter says with a smile.
      "I love you." Wade says passionately.
      "I love you too."

T H E   E N D

Words: 5189

Thank you for reading! Please request other prompt ideas, and feel free to read some of my other stories.

xoxo spiderxmarvel

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