Chapter 1 & 2

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Chapter 1 - Sneaking Out

Taking one step at a time, inching down the stairs of their home and cafe, Helga, age 15, cringes as one of the steps creaks under her weight. She looks back up the stairs, sweating and straining to hear any signs that someone may have heard her sneaking out. Satisfied she continues tiptoeing down the last few steps.

A small bell jingles, as a black cat emerges from around the corner.


"Shhhh, Raven, you're going to get me into trouble," warns Helga in a sharp whisper.

The cat blinks her green eyes at Helga, sits down, and starts licking her paw and washing behind her ears. The bell jingles with each movement. Helga rolls her eyes, grabs one of the treats from her pocket, and tosses it on the floor. "Here, fuzzball, now shush."

Raven purrs as she snacks on the treat.

Helga hurries to the backroom to grab the bottles of extra-secret special potion from under the shelf behind the towels. She created these especially for tonight's meeting. When Agnes and Ursa asked about them, Helga lied, claiming they were special energy potions. Helga hates lying to her sisters, but she isn't allowed to tell them about these special potions. That's the agreement.

Helga has butterflies swarming in her belly, for tonight was a very special occasion. Tonight she is to be initiated into the group. With shaky hands she grabs each bottle and carefully places them, one by one, into the bag. She stands up, lifting the bag over her shoulder, but suddenly cringes—the bottles made clinking sounds as they knocked against one another!

A light upstairs turns on. Helga freezes in her steps, holding her breath. Footsteps sound as they walk around upstairs followed by the soft thud of the toilet lid being lifted and set against the porcelain tank.

Helga stays frozen until the coast is clear. She only hopes that her pillow-stuffed bed will not be over-examined to expose that she's absent.

She hears the whoosh of flushing and then the rush of water from the sink. The footsteps sound once more before the light turns off again for the night.

Helga exhales with a heavy breath as her heartbeat slows down. She readjusts the bag over her shoulder and lightly approaches the front door. She points her index finger at the small bell above the cafe's front door and whispers, "Si-len-cias." Next, when Helga opens the front door, the bell moves but no sound is emitted. Helga grins as she slides outside into the night.

Upon closing the door, Helga turns to find a rather tall man in dark clothing waiting on her.

She jumps back, her heart in her throat, and her chest heaving up and down as she tries to catch her breath. "Brimstone! Don't do that!" she chides.

He arches an eyebrow with his dark eyes staring back at her, inquiring, "Do what?"

"Sneak up on me," she snaps.

He bows, offering, "My apologies," and then looks up as gold flashes in his eyes. "I've been sent by our Lady to escort you."

"I know my way," Helga remarks.

"True," he agrees, holding his hand out to offer it to Helga, "but tonight is a special night."

"I know that too," Helga answers, stomping along the sidewalk in the direction of their usual meeting place.

He reaches forward pawing at the bag. "Are those more of the potions?"

Helga gives it to him, saying, "Yes, here. Now quit stalling." She continues walking, explaining, "I don't want to be late."

Potion of the Hound: Mystical Mishaps Book 1 SampleWhere stories live. Discover now