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10 things about me that no one really cares about ..

1- I am 5" 2'
2- uhh people call me Ash ? But lately it's been a a bully thing again 🙄 stupid Pokémon (not really I like Pokémon)
3- I have a  couple of auto immune disorders so basically if I cut my self I bleed for a abnormally long time thanks to ITP and for unknown reason my body likes to continue stacking itself after I get sick so that's fun
4- I have red hair
5- I am a culinary student hence the name redpoatato 🥔
6- I have two dogs 

7 - I have one cat 

8- on Sunday's a make omelets at work? Did you need to know this no! Do you know it now anyway yes yes you do
9- fucking hell I don't know 🤷‍♀️ I'm a boring and untalented what do you wanna know ?
10- my writing is shit but I can make a cake?

8- on Sunday's a make omelets at work? Did you need to know this no! Do you know it now anyway yes yes you do 9- fucking hell I don't know 🤷‍♀️ I'm a boring and untalented what do you wanna know ? 10- my writing is shit but I can make a cake?

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Not a joke joke but joke among some people a hang with at school?

If you even feel your but being pinched at a seafood place it's the ghost of a dead lobster having its revenge for you eating it's friend bob.

There will  a weight lifted of their chest

I don't know 28 people in real life sooo

alexkostanian unbreakable-red-riot _CherryQueen_ dekuyama @

That's all I feel
Like tagging I don't really know anyone on here .. but hi people if I tagged you chances are a Im on love with your works

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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