Chapter 1

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A/N: This takes place around season two. Opie and Donna's troubles were never exactly sussed out and they ended up separating before her tragic murder. The club will come into play and it'll probably all get pretty messy. That's the fun though, right?


It's my first posted story please be nice! I am still learning after all! So much love and thanks to my best friend, beta and muse, Sara. Hope you all enjoy! xo

"Hi, Mr. Winston." Mae extended her hand to him with a sweet smile on her lips. "I'm Mae Callahan, we spoke on the phone."

It wasn't an easy job in the slightest but Mae loved what she did. Working for the school district as a school counselor was rewarding but it was these meetings she dreaded the most.

Opie nodded and shook her hand. "Yeah, I remember." Barely, he was drunk when she'd called, actually Opie was drunk a lot since Donna had died.

"You can have a seat," she pointed to the armchair across from her desk.

Mae looked at him for a long moment, there was less sorrow in his eyes than she'd imagined but he looked painfully guilty. He looked deep, like a truly emotional and twisted man, dark but there was a kindness that she could feel the moment he walked in her office.

"So, how's this go?" He asked, anxiously fiddling with his long fingers. "The kids are okay, right?"

"Oh yes, this is more of a preemptive discussion really. I am concerned, they did just lose their mother at a young age, but no more than I would be normally. From what I hear the kids were rather close with their mother?"

Opie nodded, it was an understatement. After he'd gotten out of Chino things were never the same. He realized their marriage was done, even if he still cared for her she hated the club and at his core Opie was a Son. No woman in their right mind would be okay with it but the passion with which she despised the club seeped over and they began to hate each other.

"Yeah, we uh, we separated about a year ago, kids stayed with her a lot."

Mae already knew the details, both children had been eager to talk, it seemed they weren't truly heard at home. "Yes, Ellie told me, Monday through Thursday with Donna, Friday through Sunday with you." Mae smiled warmly. "Your children love you, Mr. Winston. That's why I wanted to talk to you. No one can ever replace Donna, and please I don't mean to offend you, but you need to really immerse yourself in your kids' lives."

"My kids are fine." He said flatly. "My family is fine."

Nodding Mae backed off a little, she could see he was growing defensive. "Okay, well, I wanted to give you a few things to look for. Tragedy like this is a long process and there are a few warning signs that you might want to remember. They seem to be coping very well and as you know we've been meeting twice a week but sometimes with kids it's more of a slow burn."

"What did you mean?"

"Excuse me?"

It seemed be a slow burn for Opie as well. His eyes were softer now, maybe her words had hit him differently after a few moments of thinking over them.

"Immersing myself."

Mae smiled and leaned closer over her desk. "Traditionally speaking the mother is the emotional outlet, the nurturer, your children lost that. It's more than just having them fulltime and making lunches and helping with homework. It's about time and effort and listening. Those two need to know how much you care, you need to talk to them, hug them, play with them. They're feeling incredibly alone right now. I know you're dealing with the loss yourself but Kenny and Ellie need you around emotionally, physically, mentally. You three need to connect."

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