Early Up On Your Birthday

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AN: The titles are horrendous ;-; 

Nico woke just after the sun had risen, something that never happened. Nico was conscious at stupid hour in the morning, but it wasn't just that. Nico was awake at stupid hour in the morning, obviously woken by some kind of elephant (he briefly suspected Hannibal but decided against it when part of his brain worked a tiny bit), on his birthday. Of all days he was disturbed during sleep; it had to be his birthday. His birthday. What did he ever do to deserve this, regaining the waking state at stupid hour in the morning? Though Will wrongly believed that stupid hour in the morning was in fact normal getting up time. Idiot.
Speaking of Will, he had just crawled under Nico's duvet and was now facing him, a soft smile gracing his lips. Nico groaned.
"I should've known it was you. Unless you've got a bloody good reason, or a way to save yourself, I suggest you run."
Will simply pouted and tried to look hurt, ultimately failing, and unable to look anywhere close to innocent. Unfortunately, he still managed to look cute to Nico, as unfathomable as it seems.
"Not that I don't enjoy your company, but why exactly did you destroy my regaining of energy?" Nico signed, but slipping a faint smile when Will's arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer to the son of Apollo's chest.
"It's your birthday!" Will exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Your point?"
"So you don't want your birthday present I take it then."
"Later..." Nico replied, putting the crudely wrapped gift on the table beside before hiding his head under the covers, nuzzling Will's neck before they both drifted back to sleep.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEEKS!!!" Yelled Percy, Jason and Leo in unison when they smashed open the door after three hours of Nico sleeping in Will's arms, effectively waking the two up. Will jolted upright, thankfully his arms loosened so Nico wasn't pulled up with him, instead, Nico let out an annoyed noise before tugging the golden haired boy back down, glaring at the trio in the doorway, frozen in a position of holding up a rainbow cake and balloons, looking to be about to bound into the room.
"...did we interrupt something?" Percy asked smirking, causing Leo to whistle.
"That's a good gift there Will!" Leo giggled ever so maturely.
Then they promptly screamed and were chased from the cabin by a skeleton each, courtesy of Nico.
Will reached over and grabbed the 'wrapped' gift he had for Nico and gave it to him again.
"It's later." Will grinned, his smile widened when Nico opened it, his face lighting up as he saw his new aviator jacket and ring. The ring was similar to his skull except it was a sun.
"Thank you Will." Was all that Nico said before he softly kissed his boyfriend, the fact he was woken early completely forgotten, replaced by the happiness and excitement Will had brought back into his life.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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