Valentine's Day

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Art: Happy Valentine's Day
Peacock: happy who what day
Beowulf: Ah love is in the air~~
Art: I know
Eliza: why do you have a thing for posting chapters so late?
Art: listen.
Art: I was going to post this earlier like on Saturday cuz If y'all know me I'm lazy
Art: but then I got sickkkk
Art: and unfortunately I'm still recovering
Art: so be grateful that I am here and I'm creating this
Art: bloodbath!
Eliza: geez someone's touchy
Valentine: what's this holiday we are talking about?
Art: family day?
Art: The day that I get no school?
Art; thank the lord for that by the way
Filia: I think she means Valentine's Day
Cerebella: why does she get a holiday named after her and I don't?!
Art: Cuz this is life
Art: ya don't like it? Too badddddd
Double: there should at least be a double's day
Art: please don't say doubles I'm hungry now
Double: what.
Art: what
Art: there's a food that I call doubles you don't know?
Squigly: if Double were to eat that food you are talking about would that be cannibalism?
Art: yo...
Ms. Fortune: it is way too early for this...
Art: my phone is at 4%
Beowulf; you didn't charge it?!
Art: no
Art: Cuz someone kept taking my charger
Valentine: who

the way this is unfinished is very funny - art, 2022

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