Death wish

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Warning this may be scary to some readers read with caution

Early this year, Me and my 5 friends had been dared to venture of into the abandoned hospital down lemons street... little did we know it would be the last we ever saw of each other cause we had a little surprise waiting for us.

My best friends there's helix he's a nerd but he's awesome, Levi he's the jock who's scared of nothing, Kayla she's the coolest girl ever and probably the prettiest, Caleb he's super into spiritual stuff,  and Lexi she's my little sister.. we couldn't find her a babysitter

" The hospital has been haunted since the nurses went insane and murdered half of the people there... they say that the nurses and the patients souls are eternally stuck there till they take the form of a human" helix states," you really believe that crap? I say it's all a fake and there's only a ton of homeless people there" Levi says " can you guys shut up! It's obviously haunted but I bet they'll cower away" Kayla says " by my calculations there are over 30 ghosts there, unless you carry the 4 and add the remainder then theres 100.2 but that's scientifically impossible" helix says " helix shut up with your nerdy crap it's haunted by the 1000s ima love getting this on camera" Caleb says " guys what if they kill us?" Lexi says cowering begind me " you'll be fine lex I won't let them hurt you" I say looking back at her.
" let's go peeps" Kayla says and runs in " Kayla there a 30.6 chance you die!" Helix shouts then runs in after her " come on lex" I pick up my sister and put her on my shoulders " weeeee" she yells " yo guys I got football practice I gotta go" Levi says " guys I got my camera set let's go"  Caleb says I follow behind them. " ok there's a 30.6 chance Kayla dies, 18.2 chance Caleb dies, 2.2 chance Lexi dies because alex is protecting her, 13.4 chance Alex dies.., and 70.3 chance I die.. wait that's not possible how!" Helix says and paces around " this is a death wish" Kayla says

So sorry for the cliff hanger I'll keep writing it if you want me to but that's it for now byeee

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