A new Partnership

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After a few minutes of getting dressed Marinett came out of the bathroom stall and looked at a nearby full body mirror as she gazed at her temporary outfit only to sigh and grumble as she left the bathroom as Tikki smiled and had clapped her hands together excitedly "oh you look wonderful! Red suits you Marinett" Marinett only smiled a bit as she put her hand on her arm a little embarrassed from the complement as she began to follow Tikki who began walking away "now...i want you to listen to Master Fu this time and stay quiet unless told so, he has very important information for the both of you" glancing behind she smiled at Marinett and then looked forwards as both began going up the stairs towards the big double doors that was Master Fu's office.

"Alright, i hope your ready Mar-...Ladybug" winking at her chosen name she knocked on the door and then opened it after hearing a faint come in. Both then walked in as Marinett looked at her new partner just as he looked at her with a curious smile, she how ever paid no mind and stood next to him just as Tikki stood by Plagg who was off to the side. "Welcome you two" Master Fu smiled at them both curious as to how things would work between the both of them "today I have some news to share with you both" looking at Adrian or rather in his situation, Chat Noir and then to Marinett or rather in her situation Ladybug he chuckled "my important news to you is that once your outfits are completed you will be reporting to me for your first assignment as well as getting special customised gadgets that my dear friend Wayzz is working on, to work with".

Ladybug looked at Chat Noir and crossed her arms as she looked back at Master Fu "master....are you sure i need a partner? I think im skilled enough to not need one" glancing at Chat Noir he held his hand over his heart as he smirked while Tikki sighed and shook her head "me-owch you wound me with your words my lady~" rolling her eyes she focused her attention on Master Fu again "yes Ladybug....you will need a partner until both myself and your mentor think you two are capeable of doing solo missions" humming in thought he looked at a computer screen infront of himself and then to the two with a calm smile "i think it would be best to have you both talk for a bit and get to know one another" Fu then looked at Tikki and Plagg as they made eye contact with him and nodded "Alright guys you should head back to your office space and chat a while, me and Tikki have things to talk about" Plagg said as he put his hand around Tikkis waist and winked as Tikki then giggled.

Chat and Ladybug then left closing the doors behind them, once closed Ladybug turned to Chat and pointed a finger as she glared at him "ok listen here cat boy, i dont want or need a partner, so just stay out of my way" after Ladybug said that she then walked away leaving Chat to watch her with a raised eyebrow as he crossed his arms and followed behind "you say you do not need me my lady, but my help will always be available" smiling at what he said he uncrossed his arms and fixed his sleeves to his tuxedo as well as fixing his green tie and black gloves.

After reaching the office space Marinett kept quiet even as she grumbled here and there not even wanting to acknowledge Chat being in the room as she went to her desk and sat down at a computer and began typing away on it while Chat sat down at the other one and watched her with a small tune he was humming. He soon stopped as he looked to the glass doors just as Plagg and Tikki walked in with Plagg giving a bored look and Tikki a bright and happy look as she clapped her hands together "alright you two! You both can go home for the day and rest up, we will both page you to come back the day your outfits are ready!" Plagg then stepped towards them as he threw a ring at Chat and a pair of earrings at Ladybug smirking as both caught them and equally giving confused looks to him "those are your new communicators for one another and us if need be, for you Ladybug the right earring has Chats communication button while your left has us" looking at Chat he glanced at his ring "as for Chat you have buttons on the toes of the paw design, the far left is for Ladybug while the far right is for us" humming in thought he stuck his hands in his pocket as he tilted his head "i feel like im forgetting something....oh well!" Plagg tried to then leave only to have Tikki grab the collar of his shirt keeping him in place

Sighing Tikki looked at the two and smiled "Chat, Ladybug, the way to contact Master Fu in the case of you cant get a hold of us is that with you Ladybug the front of either earring is a button to contact him whilw you Chat Noir have the big base of the paw as your button" Tikki only smiled as she then glanced at the both of them "you two will also be starting school tomorrow as it is the end of summer and all so i hope your prepared for that!" Just as she said that she giggled and wiggled her fingers in saying good bye "we will be seeing you later take care now" and just like that the two mentors both left leaving a disgruntled Ladybug and an excited Chat who didnt want to stay in his seat for very long "well i hope to see you in three days time my lady~"

Getting up from his seat Chat bowed to Ladybug who only sighed and nodded her head as she watched him leave the room, leaving her to the office by herself as she closed out of her computer and turned it off "great....the one thing i dread most...school" grumbling more she got up and went to the bathroom stall again where her clothes were still at as she changed and soon went home dreading for whats to come tomorrow "lets just hope that the evil queen isnt there in my class again this year"

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