chapter 1

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Sollux was in his room playing with his action figures when he heard his mom call his name.

"Sollux! Sollux honey!"

Sollux looked around and got up slowly. He open the door slowly and could almost hear his moms hidden impatients. He walked out of his room and leaned over the wooden rail where you could see downstairs from there.

"what?" he answers leaning against the rail and pushing himself backwards just to land back against the railing again.

"Get dressed sweetie. Were going somewhere." his mother answerd sweetly. as always. she was really nice to him and his older sister.

His sister was in college now and he missed her often. He didn't dare to let anyone know tho.

"okay momma."

He walked back to his rooms taking baby steps with his head down. he was a 7 year old little boy. His name was Sollux Captor.

Sollux walked into his room and steped over the action figures and goes to his closet. He opens his closet which is full of toys and there was a bar own low where his shirts Hung and his socks, underwear, and pants where in plastic draws in the corner and they were labeld. They were low so he could reach it all

He picked out a black and yellow t-shirt and some black kahki shorts. he slipped them on and he looked in the mirror. his hair was messy and frizzy from putting on the shirt. he smoothed it down. He walked downstairs to where his Mom was in. As he walked through the big house it smelled of pancakes and Bacon.

She was in the kitchen cooking brunch.

"Sit down Sollux sweetie."

"Okay, Mommy." He answerd from the doorway and walked to the dining table. He sat at one of the seats where the table was set.

He waited patiently for his mom to give him his brunch. while he waited he played with his hands and swung his legs under the table.

When his mom was finally done she handed him a plate of 1 cut up fluffy pancake with syrup and butter on each little peice. And 2 peices of crunchy Bacon.

After he ate he put his plate in the sink.

"Go get shoes on and go wait for me outside, Sollux."

He obeyed and put on black converse and tied them all by himself. After, he admired his work. He was proud.

He trotted downstairs and heard his mom in her bedroom getting dressed. He open the door and walk outside. It's a beautiful day and the grass is green and the sky is blue. the Sun was shining.

He leaned agenst the brick wall and ran his fingers along the lines between each brick in a zig-zag rythem.

His mom came out and smiled at his game.

"Come on, Sollux." she chuckled.

He looked over at her sharply startled by her presence. He walked over her and took her hand that was out low for him to hold.

They walked to the park.

Sollux had fun. They stayed until around 4. Just then someone else came. A little boy that looked around his age. Sollux sat on the swing and watched him as the boy let go of his mom's hand and ran to the sand. He was pale-ish and he had a grey Beanie on. His eyes were red and he was wearing the same color grey jacket and a red T-Shirt on under it. The jacket was half way zipped. He had on grey skinny jeans and black and white Nike hightops on.

He sat down in the sand. Sollux watched the boy build a sand castle. Sollux was so busy watching the boy that he didn't notice when his mom was calling his name. It was only until the little boy walked over to his mom who had moved next to Sollux's mom.

"Sollux! I have called you're name 7 times, Honey."

Sollux jumped off the swing and walked to his mom who was sitting on the bench by the big tree which was in the shade. Sollux also didnt realize he had been watching the boy for almost an hour.

He finally got to his mom but didn't see the little boy.

"Sollux. This is my new friend Kankri" She smiled and looked over at the woman named Kankri.

"Karkat. Come here son." Kankri whispers behind her back. The same little boy appears from behind his mother.

"Hey. I'm Karkat."

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