chapter 6

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One day Sollux was in his room playing xbox when he got a call from an unknown number. Sollux usually wouldn't answer unknown numbers but he did anyways.

"Hello?" Sollux said cautiously.

"S-Sollux..?" A familiar grumpy voice said / asked.

"Kar-karkat?" Sollux asked hopefully. He hadn't talked to karkat in a month! He couldn't belive it. He was so happy!!

"Hey, f*ck*ss" there was a slight pause. Sollux waited eagerly but patently for the similar grumpy friend to continue. "I need to talk to you. Can you come over?"

Sollux paused. He had never been to Karkat's before. It had always been at Sollux's house or meeting up somewhere. Not only that but he didn't know if he was allowed. He would just deal with his parents later. This was karkat we were talking about. At his house? That was a once in a lifetime thing. "Thure thing. I'll be over in 30 minutes." Sollux answerd.

"Hurry." He heard muffled over the phone.

"Oh and.. Kk?" Sollux looked at his cell. "What is it, idiot?" Karkat asked harshly. "Why did you call from an unknown number?" Sollux asked. "Reasons. Now hurry before I lose interest." And with that karkat Hung up.

Lose interest? Sollux thought. What does he mean lose interest?

Sollux shrugged the thought off and got ready for the visit with his best friend.

Sollux showed up at the door nervous as hell. "Damn" Sollux whisperd to himself as he walk up to the door of the apartment door karkat said he lived at. "Why am I so nervous?" He whisperd again to himself before knocking quietly.

No answer.

He knocked again little louder and little more impatient.

He sighed.

Just before he could knock again he was greeted with warm lips on his.

His eyes were wide open and the looked at none other than Karkat Vantas.

His eyes remained like that for a bit before they flutterd shut. He put his arms around karkat's waist and pulled him a bit closer. Moments after that karkat broke off the kiss.

"I-" Sollux started but was cut off again by karkat. This time pulling his hand to a room. He pushed the door open. It revealed his bedroom. He pushed Sollux in and slammed the door. He sat on his bed and waited for Sollux to sit to. Sollux didn't tho. He remained standing and looking straight at karkat. Karkat stared back.

Sollux was speechless for along while trying to decide what to say. "What wath that?" Sollux finally said choosing his words very carefully. He didn't want karkat to run away again.

Karkat looked at Sollux kinda sad. He open his moth to say somthing but stopped. He closed his eyes and sighed. Sollux watched him very carefully. With his eyes still closed he said "Sollux.. I called you over here to talk to you about somthing." He open his eyes but looked down. Karkat was avoiding Sollux glare. Although he knew that Sollux was gazing at him. In confusion. Sollux stayed silent and waited for karkat to continue. "At the party.. I didn't really have an ex girlfriend making out with my best friend. That was just an excuse. But I relized I had feelings for you Sollux. I didn't come to school because I was emberessed and now I can't take it anymore.." he looked up at Sollux with hopeful eyes. Sollux looked back in the same way.

" I love you Sollux." Karkat finally said after moments of being silent.

This time Sollux was silent.

Eepp! Updated. I just want to say thanks for reading and crap. Imma make the next chapter soon!

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