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All the fairies shooed Eren out of the room so they could dress Sophia for the party. 

When they were done She was wearing the same dress as before, a braclet with her kingdom's crest on it, her tiara, white shoes, dark red lipstick, a sparkling necklace with her birthstone, and her hair brushed to one side of her head. 

When she came out Eren had put a bright red rose in her hair. 

"You look beautiful, My Sleeping Beauty." He said. 

She giggled and said "And you look handsome, my prince Charming." He held out his arm for her to take. When she took it he led her down the stairs and to the ballroom. 

When they got there, both the King and the Queen stood up. Sophia let go of Eren and ran to her parents. 

They ran to her and hugged her, planning on never letting her go again. 

Levi, for once in his life had started crying. "My brat is finally home." He said. 

When he called her brat, she laughed. Then the orchestra started playing a song. Eren tapped her shoulder and asked. 

"May I have this dance?" 

"You may" The started dancing and the singer who was with the orchestra started singing to the song they were playing.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream"

And They lived Happily Ever After

The End

Sleeping Beautyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن