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Janet's POV

Today's the day that I sit down with Joey and Tyler about the things the kids witnessed from Wissam. The girls are gone with Michael for the week because I know all hell is finna break loose when I tell them what is going on. And Eissa is with Wissam. I was sitting downstairs with Tyler waiting for Joey.

Tyler: What happened Baby?
Janet: Baby, can we wait for Joey to get here, please?
Tyler: Fine! But Janet, I'm telling you this right now. If that man put his hands on you, I'm killing him. I done told him about putting his hands on you! I'm finna kill him.
Janet: Calm down, please. Baby please just promise me, you won't do anything to put your career in jeopardy.
Tyler: What?
Janet: Just promise...
Tyler: Fuck my career! That shit doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to my family!
Joey: *walks in* What I miss?
Tyler: She won't tell me what's going on. She told me to wait for you to get here.
Joey: Ok. I'm here, so tell me what happened?
Janet: Wissam doesn't hit me. It's worse. *cries*
Joey: What's worse than...
Tyler: What? What is it? Someone tell what the fuck is happening!
Joey: What the fuck! J why didn't you tell me sooner.
Tyler: *thinking* What is worse than hitting on my wife. *hops up* Janet did he touch you inappropriately?
Janet: *nods and cries*
Tyler: *walking towards the door* Let's go, Joey!
Joey: Say no more! Let's go!
Janet: * grabs Tyler* No! P-please Eissa is with him and I don't want him to see you angry like this.
Tyler: * Pulls away from Janet* NO JANET, let's go! Put on some clothes, we're going to get Eissa from that man. Why would you send him with that man knowing what he does to you?
Janet: Calm down, please.
Joey: Let's think about this rationally, if not, this hurt both of your careers.
Tyler: Fuck this career! That nigga put his hands on my fucking wife. Fuck everything. The only thing I wanna do is get my fucking son away from him and kill that nigga.
Janet: *Pulls Tyler into a passionate kiss* Can you just calm down and let me explain?
Tyler: sighs and puts his head in his hands* There shouldn't be an explanation! It shouldn't have happened! I should've been there with you! *cries*
Janet: *sits in his lap* Listen, Daddy. I know you want to protect me from the world, but it can't always be this easy. I know it hurts, but I'm gonna get through it with you and the kids by my side. lf you calm down, I'll do that thing you like tonight.*smirks*
Tyler: I'm calm. We'll discuss that later. Just tell me why Lani and the babies are scared for you.
Janet: One day you took the girls out for Daddy-Daughter Day, and Eissa was with me. We were sitting in the couch waiting for Wissam to pick him up. Anyway, we were watching TV when I heard banging on the door. I opened the door and he barged in. He slammed me against the door, started yelling for me to get Eissa, and I smelt the alcohol on his breath. I told him to go home and get some rest because I wasn't letting Eissa go with him while he was intoxicated. He shoved me on the couch and told him to get his son. I said no once again. The final time I tried to fight him off of me and he slammed onto the floor. He then ripped my pants off, *starts to cry* he began raping me and I cried for help. After he finished he threatened that if I told anyone he would kill everyone I loved including the kids. The next time he dropped Eissa off t night he snuck into the room and raped me again. On the way out he ran into the twins, but he told them they were having a bad dream. *sobbing*
Tyler: * holds Janet until she calms down* Janet, baby, I'm sorry. For one not being there, and two because I'm going to make it my mission to kill Wissam Al Mana. If it is the last thing I do, on this Earth I'm going to kill him.
Janet: *sighs* I can't seem to convince you otherwise, please don't let Eissa see you hurt his father.
Tyler: Whatever Janet. Come on Joey!
Joey: Say less.

Tyler's POV
Joey and Janet get into the car with me. We drive to Wissam's house. I pulled into the driveway and noticed his car. Jackpot I thought. I got out the car with Janet and Joey following. I walked up to the door angrily and started banging. "I'm coming!" I heard Wissam say. I continued my banging in the door. "Hold on damn! I'm fucking coming!" He yelled again. Soon the door swung open and I was face to face with him. Crack! Is all that was heard as my fist connected to his nose. The blood began to spill from his nose.
Wissam: What the fuck Janet?!
Tyler: Don't fucking talk to her!
Joey: Where is Eissa?
Wissam: In his room playing! Wtf is going on? Janet it's my weekend with him! Why are you here and why did your fucking lunatic husband hit me?
Tyler: Janet go get Eissa now!
Wissam: No! The judge said I get him every other weekend!
Tyler: He also said that of Janet feels he is in any danger, she is to pick him up immediately! And I feel as if my son is in danger in your custody!
Wissam: Who gives a fuck what you feel, you're irrelevant to the case. And you're nobody, but a fucking step daddy that no one respects. Not even your daughters.
He smirked and that was the last straw. I punched him in the face and then the stomach. As he toppled over and groaned I kicked him hard in the stomach. He curled up in a ball. I crouched down to his level and looked him in the eyes. " Don't ever in your life touch my wife again. Next time I'm going to end your fucking life! I'm not threatening you, I'm promising you." I stood up and dusted off my pants. I watched as Janet returned with Eissa. He saw me and his face lit up. He came running into my arms "Poppa T!" He squealed. I laughed as I scooped him into my arms. "Hi little man! You ready to go? The girls are with Uncle Mike, so it's just me, you, and Mommy! We can do whatever you want!" I proposed, he nodded and I handed him to Janet. We started walking towards the car. I stopped, turned and crouched down to Wissam's level again. "Leave my wife alone. From now on we'll be meeting in the park for pick up and drop off. And I'll be in attendance. Oh, and don't ever speak on my daughters ever again!" I walked to the car and got in. I pulled Janet into me and held her tightly. " I love you." I whispered into her ear. She turned and faced me, looking at me with those eyes. "I love you too Daddy." She pecked my lips and cuddled into my neck.
Eissa's Pov:
I looked over from my car seat and saw Mommy and Poopa T all cuddled up. I cleared my throat. " Mommy, may I see your phone please?" I asked politely. She handed me her phone and I typed in the password. I went to her contacts and typed in the name Lani Bug😍👸🏾❤️ I hit the FaceTime button. It started ringing, after 3 rings Lani's face appeared on the screen.
Lani: Eisses!
Me: Lani!
Lani: Hi Eisses! Where are you? Isn't it you dad's weekend?
Me: I'm with Momma and Poppa T. Momma, Poppa T, and Uncle Joey came to daddy's and Poppa T punched him in the face and his nose started bleeding. Then Momma came and got me from my room. Then we were leaving and Poppa T threatened him. I wanted to laugh, but Momma would've got me.
Lani: Damn! I miss everything.
Momma: Lani watch your damn mouth!
Lani: Sorry Momma! Eisses why didn't you tell me she was there.
Me: Hell I forgot.
Momma: Eissa watch your mouth!
Me: Sorry Momma! That's all I wanted Lani. I just had to spill the tea.
Poppa T: He hangs around Gil and Lani too much.
Lani: Alright, Bye Eisses! Kisses! *kisses screen*
Me: Bye sissy! *kisses screen*
Janet's PoV
So we pulled up to the house and Tyler helps me out the car. We make our way into to the house to see it trashed. Everything except Lani's room was trashed. My phone dinged and Eissa handed it to me.

You thought you could get rid of me. You changed her last name and let another man claim her. Now I coming for what's rightfully mine. Don't play with me. I want MY daughter. And tell the family I said 'Hello'

Being Janet's Children Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora