[Prologue| CH 1] "Escaping The Lab..."

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[Human Scientists]

[Unrevealed Character]

[Normal/ Character narration, etc.]

Story, wording, events, etc. are subject to changes in future. I apologize if wording is confusing.


[Date: 5×17×201χ]...

{S-5's Pov}

<There is a loud siren going off in the lab, muffled by the walls of the building with a area that seems to been breached... And a skeleton fleeing, badly wounded, but quickly teleported out of the vacinity.>

['S-5' manages to escape to an Au known as BirdTale (The timeline is pacifist for both races, but it's also on the surface!) However he is wounded, exhausted, & weak from blood loss.]

*Coughing up blood, meanwhile holding themself on their side against a tree* "...I-i escaped... I finally esca--!" <S-5 feels a sharp pain from the ribcage, due of the broken & cracked ribcage, and his unstable soul, along with his stats not being too good>

"Shit... I need to find shelter or someone to help before this gets worse..." *holding ribcage, clinging to their bloody shirt, also becoming lightheaded*

"(damn it... I... Im going to pass out...?)" *S-5 notices someonw flying in the sky rightnow, as they collapse from exhaustion & bloodloss*


{Unknown Character Pov}

<As he flew, they notice a small, bleeding & wounded skeleton stumbling out of the forest only to pass out>

"? Holy-- Are they ok?!" *Flys down as poor S-5 Collapsed on the grass* (Poor thing... He cant stay like that or they'll die! I need to get him shelter immedietly!!) *Carefully picks S-5 up and teleports home, laying them down on a bed*

<After hours of healing, carefully cleaning with a small rag (with s-5 in bed with clothes on, he just gently cleaned the blood off for now)>

*Sighs realizing its almost midnight* "I better let them rest for now... *yawn* and I guess I need rest too..."

<Went to couch to sleep for the night>


Hello! If you haven't skipped- Thank you so much for reading my first book's chapter 1 "Escaping The Lab..."

I know compared to the average-- it's fairly short being around 1 page long but I didn't write much cause I want YOU all to give feedback on how I made this chapter. Anyways-! Let me know on what you thought of how I made this! Did you like it, hate it, think something needs improvement/ changed/ fixed? Let me know, feedback will help!

Sorry if this endnote is a Little Bit too long but I just want to get that out, I hope you liked it, and have a good one!

🔥XxBlastBurnxX Gaming🔥

Signing out till next time my Schorching Inferno!

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