chapter 1

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There he was, the most angelic man I had ever seen. He leaned against his locker so effortlessly. His face was blank, no emotions to show. His jaw clenched just as he took his hand running it through his brown curly locks. I couldn't help myself but to wonder what was going on inside of his head. He rarely ever talked, if you ask me I have never heard him say a word. Maybe he was mute? I knew I had starred at him a little too long when I seen his green eyes pierce through me. If looks could kill, no doubt I would be lying dead on this floor. I quickly turned my head running off to my locker where my best friend Kaitlin was waiting for me.

"The worst thing just happened to me!" i groaned getting my books for my next class out of my locker slamming it shut in frustration

she shut her compact mirror after fixing the smudged mascara under her eye and placed it into her purse "Tell me about it, you remember that prick Dylan from our homeroom last year?"

i nod my head, indeed i do remember him. How could i not remember the guy that asked me out on a date because of a dare his friends made up to bring home the 'biggest loser'. Prick

"Yep..." is all I say popping the p, turning down the hallway where Kaitlin & I's class was.

"Well during first block, he had the audacity to come up to me and ask me for your number.." Kaitlin explains, making me stop in my tracks right before entering the door to the classroom.

"Well, did you give it to him because I really hope not. What the fuck does he even want with me after humiliating me in front of the entire school over some stupid bet! I swear to god I will end his football career if he even dares to-" I was rudely interrupted by someone placing their hand over my mouth

"Would you please stop rambling!" Kaitlin whisper/screams "of course I didn't give him your number, I remember everything that happened last year. I was there, remember?" I nod bringing my nails up to my mouth to chew at them, a habit that I hate "but when I wouldn't give it to him he took his water bottle and poured it all over my homework!"

"Wow what a fucking dick..." is all I said before we entered the class just as the bell rang and went to our seats but I couldn't help wonder what he wanted with me. Why did Dylan want my number? Was it another one of his "bets" or did he need to tell me he was sorry? What am I kidding. He's the all star quarterback and he's dating a girl in college. My mind was all over the place and I think it just got worse when he walked in.

"Thanks for joining the class Mr. Styles, I see it you'll be on time tomorrow?" Mr Burchfield, our chemistry teacher said as Harry walked in.

Again there was no word or sound to come from the mans mouth. He silently took his seat and the lesson began.

30 minutes into class

I couldn't help myself but to look at the back of the room where Harry was. He is so mysterious, I wanted to know who he is. His eyes were glued onto the teacher. Believe it or not, even though he was always late, he is the best in the class. I guess being quite all the time gets you somewhere. He's eyes turned to look into mine. I could feel my cheeks burning, I just know they was a bright pink right now. How embarrassing. Good job rose, you've managed to humiliate yourself twice in one day. New record.

The bell rang and I quickly got my things together running to my locker once again. Kaitlin came up behind me seeing as I left her back there to fend for herself "lord, you must've really not enjoyed the lesson about the periodic table today. You ran off like a scared cat.." she let out a chuckle grabbing my hand and locking our arms together "anyways, it's time to go home, wanna come over to my place?"

Kaitlin's place ..

"Kaitlin, do you know anything about Harry?" I asked curiously, a million thoughts going through my head. I was laid back on her bed looking at the ceiling as she was at her vanity wiping off her makeup.

"I've heard a few things about him, one being that he was deaf, the other being he couldn't speak English but he's from the United kingdom and I'm pretty sure they speak English there so that doesn't make sense, and I've also heard he's a leader of a British gang." She stoped what she was doing turning to look at me and I lifted up so that we was facing each other "why do you ask?"

"I don't know, he's so mysterious and it weirdly intrigues me. I have this need to want to know him." I sighed grabbing my phone to look at it, only to be disappointed when I had no notifications. Nothing new. "I find myself staring at him all the time, I get so lost in my thoughts wondering what he's thinking about. You know like the movie with all the emotions and they ask if you've ever wondered what was going on inside a persons head?" She nods letting me know to go on but not without correcting me by saying the title of the movie "okay well that's me. I want to know him, I- I got to know him. Is that weird?"

She laughs causing the corner of her lips to curl up into a smile "honey, you sound a little bit crazy." She throws her makeup wipe in the trash and comes to join me on the bed "maybe he doesn't want to be known. Have you ever thought about that?"

That does make sense but who in their right mind wants to be alone. I mean, I always cry and bitch about wanting to be alone when Kaitlin tries to drag me out to parties but honestly it gets depressing being alone all the time. There's just something different about him. Maybe he really is a leader of a very dangerous gang, or maybe he's just mute or maybe he's just someone who didn't care about anything. I just have to know,
Who are you Harry Styles?

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