Chapter 2

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"Excuse me Sir, who are you?" I asked the intruder, I looked to the clock and it was 3am. Lucky me, the devils hour. It was dark, the man was standing over my bed. I could hear him breathing, but the only thing I could see was his red eyes. The man exited my room, I decided I would follow him. I got out of bed slipping on my house shoes and headed down the stairs noticing the front door was wide open. I felt the cold December wind. I figured he went outside so that's where I went. I felt chills, but not from the wind. Where did this man go? That's when I saw a shadow going into the woods.

"Excuse me! Who are you?" I questioned him again as I began to run after him. The man stopped, he turned around and began walking towards me. I couldn't move. It was like I was glued to the ground. As the man came closer I realized who it was. How could I forgot those beautiful green eyes. Hardy grabbed me by my arms, he had blood all over him. Was he hurt? Did he hurt someone? His eyes turned black, and he had a devilish smile on his face

"Wake up.." he screamed as he began digging his claw like nails into my skin.

6.30 am...

"Rose!" a voice shouted, I quickly opened my eyes only to notice it was my twin brother jack "dude get up, you know I usually sleep till 7:30 since the bell doesn't ring till 8 but your loud ass screaming woke me up!" 

"I'm sorry.." I sighed sitting up rubbing my eyes "I had a bad dream.."

"Yeah.." he said with a chuckle, a hint of annoyance in his voice "no shit" he slammed my door shut and not long after I heard his door too shut with a slam. What a fucking douchebag.

I grabbed for my phone to check the time please don't be seven. Please don't be seven. My screen lit up , 6:40 a.m. "well.. guess I'll spare 20 minutes and go to school looking like shit." I laid back down setting my alarm for 7 a.m. and drifted back to sleep.

7:20 a.m.

I checked myself in the mirror being disappointed in myself for deciding to sleep 20 minutes instead of getting ready because now I look like shit. Well I mean I look bad everyday but today is way worse. I had decided to wear a pair of leggings with a school hoodie that I had bought from one of the soccer team girls cause she kept harassing me literally everyday, and my hair was up in a bun. Classic bum look. I heard the horn honk for the 5th fucking time causing me to roll my eyes and grab my belongings before heading out the door and into Kaitlin's car.

"Did you really have to honk a billion fucking times..?" I say obviously annoyed shutting my door with a little bit of extra force than needed.

"Well excuse me, sorry you took 15 minutes to get outside" she's right. She's been picking me up for a year at 7:10 so that we had enough time to stop by our hometown coffee shop 'The Hideout' and gossip about irrelevant things.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't get no sleep. I had a very bad nightmare... forgive me and I'll tell you who it's about" I looked over at her, my lips curling up and my dimples sinking in a begging look in my eyes.

7:30 a.m.

"Hmm scary little nightmares about the mysterious hottie in second block." She wiggles her eyebrows sipping her Carmel macchiato. "I wonder what that means?" She more of asks herself

"I don't know but I think it scared me straight." We both got up from the table seeing as it was 7:50 and the bell rung at 8 "I don't think I'll be wondering about him anymore..."

2nd block class ..
"Can you believe she gave us a four page essay!?" Kaitlin blabbers the whole way to second block about how our first block teacher Mrs. Wine assigned us a 4 page essay over the human body, btw it's our gym class. Yeah I know, first block for gym. Fuck me. Anyways, right now we are in our classroom portion of the standard but next week we'll actually be in the gym. Exercising.

"I mean she did give us until Friday to have it done, I think that's pretty fair." Which it was fair, she could've been like all the other teachers and made it be due tomorrow "on the bright side there is plenty of things to talk about regarding the human body. Plus, she didn't specify rather you had to write on the back or not" I shot her a quick smirk earning me a satisfied smile from Kaitlin.

"Yeah your right, I could talk about emotions and that right there I could get into." She giggled walking into the class, me right behind her taking our usual seats "hell, I could write 10 pages about being depressed and how it affects the body."

The bell rings.

"Quite down class!" Mr.burchfield yells as he closed the door behind him walking over to his desk "think of this class as the movie theatre. I am the movie, there is to be no talking and most importantly for all devices to be turned off." wow. I've never heard that one before. Props to you burchie

"Today we'll be talking about elements" burchie started off talking about today's lesson until the door opened interrupting him "Mr.Styles, of course. Thanks for deciding to join us today." if you could just hear the sarcastic tone in his voice, just hilarious. "That's your 5th time. I'll see you in detention after school everyday until Friday."
Harry took his usual spot that was located in the very back of the room, more specifically the left corner and Burchie continued with his boring ass lesson.

"A chemical element is a species of atom having the same number of protons in their atomic nuclei. For example, the atomic number of oxygen is 8, so the element oxygen consists of all atoms which have exactly 8 protons.."  burchie's voice soon started to drown out, my eyes fluttered shut and soon enough my head was on my desk. Sound asleep.

"Miss Patterson!" I heard my name being shouted causing me to almost literally jump out of my seat followed with laughs from the class. I lowered my head in embarrassment , I'm 100% sure my face was a dark shade of red "there will be no tolerance for sleeping in my room. Detention all week for you as well!"

I mentally slapped myself. I have never fell asleep in class before and he gave Harry 5 warnings for being late but I fall asleep one time and I get detention for a week! Finally, the bell for us to go to third block came. I quickly gathered my things and took off to my locker with Kaitlin following behind.

"I don't see how I haven't lost any weight because I literally have to run after you everyday." She groans rolling her eyes as she puts her things into her locker "your like a damn rabbit." She giggles closing her locker after grabbing her books for her French class.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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