Need a miracle

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I just need a miracle! (A new job!) so now I'm back on my moms laptop! I'm scrolling...scrolling...scro... Ooh never mind the scrolling I found a job as a SPY??? Now this is rad! It's hide out (location) sorry I just really like saying stuff that makes me sound cool! Is... xxxxxxx sorry I keep typing the location but it keeps making it an x!

Ok I'm going tomorrow at 8:00 sharp! See you tomarow!................................. Ahhhhh yes now it's 7:00 I must get ready!

Ok now I'm in the car! I'm almost at the place I'll try to type the location again it's... xxxxxxxx dang! Hold on I'm gonna try again it's... xxxxxxx seriously!

Ok now I'm at the place... The xxxxxx oh come on! For real! Ok I'm entering! Ohhh I see a sign that says take a glow stick and a mint! I love this place already!

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