The Attack on Camp Halfblood and the New Group

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It was a regular day at Camp Halfblood, Training, Games, Drinks, and having fun talking to each other. They were celebrating another Victory against the Gods, that was until they heard an explosion in the distance, everybody rushed over. They saw Percy, Annabeth, Jake, Nico, Luke, Thalia, Star and Travis fighting these wolf like creatures. They were very furry, very strong, with wings, and even though they couldn't fight well they had these huge claws that could kill you in one blow. Percy was the least hurt, and  kept fighting. Annabeth was holding her own., but the other 6 got knocked out. One of the creatures went at Percy. Percy doged the attack but another one came from behind and knocked him out. Annabeth was the last one standing, But it was too late. They managed to grab her and knock her out. Then a helicopter landed and the creatures put them in. 

Max's Pov

We got captured again and this time it was hard to escape. There were erasers everywhere and if we tried we wouldn't make it more then 3 feet. Suddenly the door bursts open, the Erasers where dragging eight kids, older than me, and put them in dog crates next to ours. Once they woke up i could tell they were confused and i wouldn't blame them. They were speaking some sort of other language that i couldn't understand. "Hello. Do. You Speak. English?" i said. They thought it was funny. Then the black haired boy with sea green eyes said " We speak english". Then the door bursts open again. This time it was 5 kids, about same age as me. They put them in dog crates next to me, Fang, and Iggy. 

Eren's Pov

All i remember was fighting titans then getting knocked out. When i woke up i was in a building in a crate next to some other kids and Levi, Jean, Mikasa, and Annie. " Where are we?" i asked. Then a blonde girl with brown eyes said " Your at the school". " Whats the school?" i asked. "The school is where they take kids with abilities and run tests on them,like this", thats when i saw wings, the wings where white at the base and brown at the tips. They were beautiful. Just when she showed me them i heard the door burst open and two people with white coats came in with a wolf like creature. They came to my crate and then to Levi's.  That's when i noticed that there were other kids on the other side of the room. 5 boys and and 3 girls who were a little older than me. "My head hurts" said the kid with blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Then she asked the whitecoats " What are we doing here? Why did you take us?". " You don,t need to worry about that" said the creature with a chuckle. That,s when they took me, Levi, Jean, Mikasa, and annie with the other kids out of the crate. "Max, will you like to tell them whet will happen to them?" the whitecoat said. Max gasped and that's when i yelled" Let me go!"and elbowed one of them in the stomach. That's when he fell back but the creature came after me next. I doged the attack and kicked him behind the knee Then another one came at me but my reaction was too late. He grabbed me and threw me to the wall. I yelled in pain and i couldnt stand up. "Eren!" Mikasa yelled. "Stay Back!" i yelled so she didn't get hurt. " If you want to save your friends from being killed come with us" the whitecoat said. I nodded. " Fang, help our friend walk" the whitecoat said. A boy with black hair and purple eyes nodded and helped me up. " Whats your name?" i asked. " Fang" he said

Fangs Pov

The boy i was helping had brown hair and beautiful green eyes, and he didn't look much older than me. " Whats your name?" he asked. " Fang" i said, and that's when he said " cool name". "Thanks" i said. Then i asked " Whats your name?". "Eren" he said, "Eren Yeager". " How did you get here?" i asked, " We were fighting these things called titans and then all i know is i got knocked out". " What are titans?" i asked. That's when we arrived at a door, when they opened it they were these giant like beings.  " Those are titans" he said. "Put this on" the whitecoat said and handed Eren and the other 4 kids that came in with him uniforms and this gadget with swords. Thats when the other kids and The Flock came in to see what was going on. Once they had the outfits on the whitecoats said" Show them your skills" the whitecoat said. The five kids pressed a button and these wires came out and stuck to a tree. Then they were in the air. They were doging the attacks and slicing there napes. Each time they sliced there napes they fell to the ground. Once they were finished the landed next to us. " That was cool!" Gazzy said. "Thanks" a kid with black hair a black eyes said. Then we went back and they put us in the crates again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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