Scutum Haddock (Vikings)

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Golden Brat


Scuttum Haddock


Chief Jr (by friends),  Scum (by those who don't like him), Scut








Win Morisaki

Win Morisaki

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Scut is...arrogant to say the least. He's brilliant at being a Viking, and it tends to get to his head. He's skillful and purposeful in every action- he seems to never mess up. Because of that combined with his ego he's not the most popular among the weaker Vikings, but he gets the job done the best so what do you do.

Scut is when you get down to it a pretty decent future chief. Yes, he's known to be sexist but in the court of Viking law (however loose it may be) he's generally pretty just. He's not in the brute squad so to speak, but he knows how to execute the power he does have. He's a brilliant combat strategist...not so much a war strategist if that makes sense. He knows how to use his team's strengths but he doesn't do well with battle plans. 

Scut is known for his temper....its great. Scut feels passionately; he seems to brush Auriga aside and hate Ophiucus. He truly loves them...but hE hAs A rEpUtAtIoN tO uPhOlD. He's mostly just annoyed by Oph's apparent complete lack of skill and can't believe he's related to the wimp some days. As for Auriga- she's a girl and a really good Viking. Not as good as Alita Hofferson of course, but still good and that's not for him to recognize. Everybody knows you don't congratulate your siblings unless you're a loser. 

Scut is red in a sense. Yes, he's the class ringleader, yes, he's the epitome of Viking, yes, he happens to have quite the ego, yes, he's a bit bratty. But he also knows when to sober up and bark orders. If you're worth his time, he'll listen to you. To associate with Scutum you have to earn it. 

Scut isn't a complete butt, though. If a friend is in trouble he'll help them. He also graciously kills a ton of dragons (YOU'RE WELCOME, BERK)

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