Chapter 6

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Today was a good day.

On top of starting for the school's swimming team, I aced the competition. Granted I was in second place, but for my first competition in high school, it was pretty bomb. I was sitting in my room gazing at the medal when my dad came into the room. My heart sank. I had been dreading this moment. 

He stood in the doorway for a couple of minutes, probably figuring out what to say. It didn't matter though. He always gave the same advice whenever I got into trouble. 

"Look son, I know with what happened with your mother and I know that your stepmom isn't able to completely fill her place, but hey! You grades are good, sports are fine......."

"I was second at the swimming tournament," I cut him short. 

"Oh that's good"he replied, "Good"

"I'll cook dinner" I offered. 

"That's nice"

Dinner was a quiet affair. At least he wasn't as angry as id expected him to be.

"I'll come watch next time" he broke the silence. 

I nodded, acknowledging his answer. I didn't think he would come though. Work kept him busy enough.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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