Crawling From Hell

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For the first time in your life, you didn't flinch when your father's fist slammed against the wall. You didn't cringe at the dent he made, didn't even care. Fingers curling tighter around the handle of your suitcase, you clenched your jaw and lifted your chin. Fiery anger clawed it's way up from your stomach, almost latching itself around your throat, but still you forced out the words,

"I'm leaving. Goodbye."   With that, tears welled up in your father's eyes, and his breath hitched like it always had before he started yelling. Quickly turning and opening the front door, you left the house before he could say anything. Back straight and steps filled with purpose, you walked away from your old home. As you turned the corner of the street, you looked back at the flaking, sickeningly yellow paint, the old gate, the dead grass, and the dirty windows of your old home. It was time that bastard took care of himself, you had decided. You had a life, you had a new chance before you. All it had taken was putting yourself first after a life filled with conceding to the needs of everyone but you.



A golden haze began to blur the edges of his vision, and he knew he needed to get out of the studio immediately. Panic shot through his veins, and he gave a meaningful glance to his friend as he ran out the door. Devin would know what was happening, Devin was good at making up explanations for Chris's "panic attacks". Ricky wouldn't believe it at first, but eventually Ryan would focus them all back on recording what they could until Chris returned. Likely they'd leave the studio and head back to the flat after a few hours, order a couple pizzas and await Chris's return from wherever he had wandered  in order to calm down. When he got back, they'd all sit on the couch and joke around like nothing had happened. Maybe later Josh or Devin would try to talk to him about it, but Chris always shut down and shut them out when they tried. It was safer that way, right?

Now Chris was outside, walking towards the park that he usually escaped to when this happened. The golden haze consumed his vision, until everything he saw looked like it was covered in molten gold. He turned around and headed towards the other side of town, and as he walked the haze seemed to fade a little. Maybe this time he would allow the haze to lead him to wherever he was "supposed" to go, instead of fighting it and waiting for it to end.

A brisk autumn breeze bit at his skin, and he made the mistake of looking down at his skin. Beneath the tattoos, his veins stood out against his skin. However, his veins weren't the usual blue, they were filled with an luminescent golden colour. Chris swore and pulled his sleeves down. He was nearing the centre of town, so it was dangerous enough for him as it was without that damn side effect. As he walked by, people either curiously stared or glared at him. Fortunately, Chris was used to this.

The golden blur had faded quite a bit now, but was pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Strange, he thought. By now, Chris had made his way into the college district of the city. Lots of little shops with apartments above lined the streets, and he almost went into a particularly inviting cafe, but a shop with the sign "The Seventh Circle" caught his attention. As he pushed open the black door, the golden haze flared brightly, and then disappeared from his vision altogether.



Smoothing out the corner of your Arch Enemy poster, you grabbed a tac and were about to finally get the damned thing pinned, but a bell from the first floor of your apartment rang.

"Just a minute, be right there!" you yelled, jumping up and striding across the cold hardwood floor, stopping to glance in the mirror by the stairs. Your black and red hair was a mess, but oh well. Thankfully your eyeliner was still on point, so you smoothed out the folds of your black dress and bounded down the stairs.

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