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Gavin POV

"I can't believe I've known you for five years now."

I looked across the table at the curly haired boy I had fallen in love with five years ago.

Today marks the five year anniversary since I came back to Austin. The day that Michael was officially mine.

"Yeah I know. It's insane." I said to him.

Michael and I aren't into going to fancy places to have dinner but today was different.

Michael had invited me, and more importantly forced me, to go with him to a fancy shmancy restaurant.

I could tell when I walked in that it would be a great night. Everyone here is dressed up and all of the tables were candle lit.

Of course we too were both dressed up, in suits that is.

Michael wearing a black tie, me with a bow tie.

People had stared at us, two grown men walking into a couples restaurant but I loved Michael.

I truly feel like I could spend the rest of my life with him.

We didn't eat much, instead we just talked and watched each other intently.

We were silent but the people around us were chatting back and forth.

I looked back at Michael who was grinning at me.

"What?" I asked putting my hand on the table.

He chuckled,"I don't wanna sound cliche but you look good in a suit."

I shrugged and wiped my shoulder free from imaginary dust.

"I can say the same about you."

He smiled and put his hand on mine.

Ever since I came back to Austin we've become closer than ever.

And over the years everyone s hasn't managed to get over out relationship.

Every time we are around Barbara or Ray they always say aww and what not.

"I can't believe you chose this place to eat at." I pointed above us at the dimly lit lights and then to the candle in front of us,"It's really fancy here Michael."

He nodded,"And expensive."

"We didn't have to come here."

"It's pricey because you deserve the best."

I looked into Michael's eyes and had been smiling for so long I thought my jaw might break.

"I give you props for that one Jones. But really we could have just gone out for like pizza or something."

Michael scoffed,"Pizza? For a five year anniversary?"

I nodded,"Anything and everything is good with you. When you're around you make everything better."

And it was true.

Whenever I was with Michael I felt happier. I felt complete. He was my other half and I hated being away from him.

I had visited England in the past to see Dan and over the time I was away I felt as if I was going to die without a Michael.

He would cross my mind every night around one am. And I would find myself missing him so much that my stomach got all tied up in knots.

And it actually hurt.

I can't live without him, literally.

I can't imagine where I would be without him.

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