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two days later.

Asia POV.

I walk down the halls of the university. I was walking from my nursing class to my music class. "Ughhhh why does music and nursing have to be so far from each other!!" I whined to myself.

I'm majoring in nursing, mainly to become a chiropractor one day. But I'm also minoring in Music, since it's one of my many passions. I had been playing the flute and the piano since I was four, so music was really important to me. Even though my dad didn't really agree with it. I remember that day when my mom brought it up



I sigh while I look out the window, eating my macaroni and cheese.

Dante (who was at the time 11) wasn't even home! So I had no one to play doctors and police officers with. My parents were fighting, like always.

"WHY WONT YOU LET HER PLAY THE DAMN FLUTE, MALCOLM?!" I hear my momma yell. Flute? She wants me to play an instrument!! Then I could be famous and be on Sesame Street! "BECAUSE! WHAT WILL MY BOYS THINK IF THEY FIND OUT MY DAUGHTER PLAYS AN INSTRUMENT. MY DAUGHTER AIN'T NO LING LING!"(I'm so sorry to my Asians out there, y'all rock.) What in the world is a ling ling? "FUCK YOUR BOYS, SHE'S PLAYING THE INSTRUMENT OR ELSE YOU GET THE FUCK OUT." I giggle at my moms choice of words. I already know what fuck means and I'm only four! It was one of my very first words.

My mommy walk out of the room holding a black case. Is that it? Is that the flute?! "Baby, this is going to be your new instrument. It's called a flute, ok?" I giggle at my mommy as I dance around in a circle. "Yay! I get to be famous! And a ling ling!!" I screamed, still dancing around. My mommy laughs at my silliness. "Now, do you promise to practice everyday to get better at it?" I stop my dancing and face my mommy.

"I promise!"


Damn, I was really Sesame Street obsessed. I begin to think about my early times when I first started and I really sucked. But practice made perfect and now I'm really good!

I feel an arm snake around my waist. "You look dead." I heard. I look and it's Jefferson. "I mean I'm dead inside does that count?" He rolls his eyes at me. But deep down I know he admires my stupid jokes. I laugh at him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You missed." He points out, obviously wanting more than a kiss on the cheek. "I'll try again next time." I say teasing him, flicking the side of his head playfully. "Fuck off." He snarls.

He walks me to my music class, but before I can go inside, he examines me carefully. "What?" I ask. He was still holding my hand and he didn't let me go. "What are you wearing, babe." He looks a little surprised at my outfit choice. I look down at what he was talking about.

Ohhh that. I was wearing a grey Eastern Community College sweatshirt that once belonged to my mom. I was also wearing my pajama pants and fuzzy bunny slippers.

"Hehehhe." I scratch my head. "I maybe sorta kinda woke up late. Went to bed reallllyyy late last night." I went to bed at 6:30 am and my nursing class was at 9 am. What a great combo, am I right?

"I bet you were thinking about this sexy man that you call boyfriend." He says dramatically. No wonder why he's minoring in acting, such a drama queen. He acts like he's Romeo and pushes his hair back (even though he got that faded black boy hair lol). That makes me laugh.

"Actually, I was binge watching a show I just found on Netflix." He would shit his pants if he found out, I'm just now watching the show. It existed since we were eighth graders!

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