A Wolfish Idea of Love

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A/N another short one I'm afraid!

The sun beat down heavily on Yana's back, scorching her, yet she ignored it. Facing her opponent, eyes lit up, "claws" bared, teeth set with a ferocious grin, she uttered a low growl. This was going to be easy...

Suddenly, there was a flash- he struck out, surprised Yana yelped and rolled on her back. Great. He would think that she was weak now. Well, at least she had the element of surprise. She dived under him- he fell over, she tripped then they were rolling over and over again; he was on top, she was on top, he was grinning sheepishly- what did this mean? Spitting, the she-wolf shoved him off her back and slunk off into the shadows.

"I think I'm...in love." Whispered Charlie, as he staggered next to Miya, who raised her eyebrow and scampered up the tree like a monkey. Leaning over the edge, she spluttered "With Yana?" The look from him said everything. Deciding to leave it there, Miya snorted and ran off to look through the bars of their small cage.


"Get up! Get up yer lazy good fer nofink animal kids! Miya- spawn of monkeys- get down from that branch; Yana- stop growling at me, wolf girl; Charlie- stop eating, bear boy, STOP EATING!!!" Cracking his whip, the ringmaster of this twisted circus swung round to face Yana, who had grabbed his hat and was trying it on, posing in a way that did look vaguely like him. Good one. It was the one that infuriated him the most. Snatching it back, the ringmaster swung his whip, ready to take aim. He would never learn. Whips couldn't touch Yana, nor hurt her. Unfortunately, Charlie didn't know this vital piece of information. "Get off her! Hit me instead! Don't hurt her!" Grunting, the ringmaster smirked "Got yerself an admirer, eh Yana?" How could this stupid boy humiliate her amongst the master who made her life a living hell? Yet he looked so miserable when she glowered at him. Maybe, she'd let him off- he did just save her from severable injuries. Miya grinned. To her, it was a match made in heaven. Or more precisely, a cage.  

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