Chapter 2 - the sound

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Vance's POV

Vance: oh good! Look, i have a question...

Ella didn't reply at first and I questioned whether I should continue at all... should i really ask her out on a date? I mean, i can't just ask her to be my girlfriend...

Ella: yeah sure :)
Vance: so... do you want to go on a date with me...?
*Incoming call from Ella*

Shit. I thought to myself as I answered the phone.

"Hey, Ella"

"Hey Vance! Of course I'd like to go on a date with you! But... where to?"

"Well that's a surprise!"

"Alrighty well... I gotta go... pick me up at 7pm tomorrow?"


She hung up. I'm going on a date with Ella tomorrow. Wow.

*the next day*

Ella's POV

I smiled to myself as I put on a flannel shirt and some ripped jeans. All of a sudden I heard a knocking on the door, i didn't want anyone else in my family to open so i hurried down the stairs. I hurried so much that I forgot to close the last button on my flannel shirt, making me show a lot of skin.

"Hey Vance!"

"He-ey... uhm." Vance said as if something was terribly wrong. I then noticed he was blushing a bit as he pointed to my shirt. I looked down and closed it.

"So uh let's go then... bye mom!" I yelled and left the house in a hurry.

We walked for a long time, until we got to a park. There was a blanket played out on the grass, surrounded by a picnic basket and a huge bag.

Vance must have noticed me looking at it as he said "it's a telescope."

"A telescope?" I said in wonder.

Vance picked it up to show me. It was very pretty. We sat down on the blanket and looked at the stars. He started digging in the basket and handed me a box of chocolates. I could feel my cheeks turning warm.

"It might be a little cheesy, but I hope you're not allergic to milk."

I laughed at his bad joke. He made me smile, unlike my ex. I've never like this before. A burning feeling in my heart. My brain telling me to look at his lips as he talked. It felt... good.

"I have more bad jokes for y-" he was cut off before he could finish. Someone was calling him. I looked at his phone as it said 'Samatha' and I thought to myself I'm so stupid... how could such a pretty boy be single...?

"Uh sorry I gotta take this." He said and walked away.

Vance's POV
Shit. It's Samatha. I walked away and answered the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked with hatred in my voice.

"Hey babe. Miss me?" She said teasingly.

Before I could answer, Ella called out for me wondering when I'd get back and of course, Samatha heard.

"Wait... who's that? Babe are you cheating on me?!" She said and I sighed.

"Samantha, we broke up over 2 months ago, I'm allowed to date other girls." I said and hung up the phone. I made my way back to Ella who started to get bored.

"Samantha, huh?" She said in a jealous way.

"Uh yeah... my ex... she feels like the flu that won't go away." I said and as expected, it made her smile.

Ella's POV
Vance kept making terrible jokes. He probably understood that I was mad about Samantha. I kept looking at his lips as he talked but he must have noticed because all of a sudden he stopped talking.

"Helloooo? Earth to Ella."

"O-oh sorry Haha!" I said awkwardly but couldn't help but wonder why I felt like this.

After the night we walked back home. I looked at the time. '1am' I thought. Wow. I had such a good time. Suddenly we stopped to talk a bit about the night.

"It was very nice! I loved this date, thank you so much!" I said to him but now he looked weirdly at me.

"Is something wro-" I didn't get to finish the sentence until he stepped closer to me, put his hands on my waist and kissed me. My first kiss. I couldn't describe the feeling but I felt like nothing in the world could ruin this moment. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stepped away from Vance and looked behind me. All I got to see was a girl before I ended up on the ground. She punched me.

The only things I heard after that was Vance yelling "Samantha, what the hell?!"

Hey! I hoped you liked this part! Please leave a like if you want me to continue this story~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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