Jurassic Park (My Version) - Part 8

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In a scene never shown in the film and only briefly mentioned in the novel, we are on a ship in the middle of the ocean as it cruises through the storm. At the stern, we see three Raptors on board. They just hang out and don't seem to mind the rain. One of them laps up the puddles on the deck of the ship.

Raptor (translated): Singing in the rain! Dancing in the rain!

Raptor 2 (translated): Oh, god...not that again. If I have to hear that song one more time, I'm liable to jump off the ship and swim back to the island.

Raptor 3 (translated): But, we can't swim, remember?

Raptor 2 (translated): Then, I'll just drown myself.

Raptor 3 (translated): Anyway, we should reach our destination by tomorrow.

Raptor 1 (translated): Where ARE we going, anyway?

Raptor 3 (translated): Beats the hell out of me.

Back on the island, Grant rinses his face off in a wall of water gushing from a large pipe before he calls up to Tim in the tree. Lex is in a state of panic and Grant tries to reassure her.

Grant: Listen, listen. Lex...I'm right here. I'm gonna look after you, but I have to go help your brother. So, I want you to stay right here and wait for me!

Lex (panicky): He left us! He LEFT us!

Grant: But, that's NOT what I'm gonna do.

Didn't a Raptor tell her that before the T-Rex attack?

Grant: Okay?

Lex nods her head, though she's still frightened out of her mind!

Grant: Stay here.

Grant goes to help Tim while Lex climbs into the pipe to hide. While the real film focuses on Grant helping Timmy get down from the tree, my version will focus on Lex in the pipe. She stays frozen with fear when she hears a sound coming from further in the pipe.

Lex (frightened): He-hello?

A dark shape slowly advances towards her. Then, it stops and looks at her for a moment.

Lex (frightened): Who...who are you? Wh-what are you?

The creature comes out of the darkness and lunges at her! It wraps its arms around her and embraces her in a big hug! It's one of the Raptors from before.

Bethany (thoughts): My god, how did you get here, Lex? I was so worried about you!

Lex calms down as she recognizes her friend.

Lex: Where did you disappear to while we were being attacked before?

Bethany (thoughts): I got scared and ran until I found a place to hide. Somehow, I managed to find this pipe and hoped you guys would make it out alive.

Lex: Weren't there two of you with us before?

Bethany (thoughts): She didn't make it. The T-Rex got her.

Lex: I'm so sorry.

Bethany (thoughts): She tried to protect that crazy man sitting on a toilet, but the huge dinosaur grabbed her and that was the last I saw her before I raced for my life. I don't know if the man made it or not.

Lex: I'm really sorry about your sister.

Bethany (thoughts): Hold me, Lex. Please, hold me.

My Version of JURASSIC PARK (1993)Where stories live. Discover now