Chapter III - ocean eyes

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A.N I kind of cheated and listened to idontwannabeyouanymore and when the partys over during this one but whatever.


Me, Tsuyu, Midoriya, and Uraraka. All hanging out together, it was planned today. I didn't want to go, I tried to pretend I was sick but I've never been a good actor. My father would let me know that, and now here I am, Midoriya.. Izuku.. I'm not even sure anymore.. and me and Tsuyu and Uraraka are going on a trip to a theme park. I wish I could enjoy it.. but the public space makes my feet tremble, and I don't even know if I can trust Midoriya as my beam anymore.. Queasy, I felt like toppling over, but kept my straight and finale stance, glancing over at Midoriya and Uraraka who wouldn't stop chatting.

We went on a few rides. Midoriya would sit with me on some, If I'm being honest, some of their smiles were contagious and made my heart throb, even as Midoriya's smiles hurt. Even if they weren't made for him. Even if they won't be for him in the future.

He didn't want to bring it up yet, They were having fun and he didn't want to pick a closed scab and then have salt rubbed into it as well. Thats why for now the hurt was ok. It would stop soon.

At around 1:38 we had lunch, it was mostly chatter I didn't bother unfiltering. It didn't matter, none of it mattered, I leaned my head down on the table where it was clear. Until I listened a bit closer. They must have thought I was asleep, but I heard. 'Midoriya, aren't you with Todoroki, Kero? (Ribbit)' Asked Tsuyu. 'I-I am!' Midoriya said, probably waving his hands out of habit. 'I'm uh.. going to break up with him tomorrow..' I stopped listening. Its all I needed to hear, I wanted to cry, sob uncontrollably. "How is this fair?" I wondered, trying not to cry, "I didn't do anything you- you can't do that to me-" My eyes stung- it felt like I was the 5 year old child again, the pain returning to my scar, itching unbearably. I started breathing unevenly, and pretended to snap out of sleep or something of the such. It worked well.

"Agh.. I'm not- feeling well.." I said, not a lie. Not the truth. I looked terrible enough. "Alrighty then, I think I can take you home, Sho-chan!" Midoriya exclaimed, looking over at Uraraka and Tsuyu for confirmation to leave. They must've given a nod because he stood up pushing out his chair and I did that same.

We made it to the small car we all used in a short amount of time, walking, yet it felt like an eternity to me. Each step heaving down my soul, like heavy weights were chained to my anklets. I got in and sat in the front seat pausing before Midoriya paused. We sat in silence for a moment and then in an instant he kissed me. It was soft, enjoyable enough, but it hurt. It hurt so much. Why is it hurting why can't it stop.. I didn't cry. I'm not going to cry.

I'm not going to cry.

As it ended he looked forwards, pausing. A moment of thought.. a look that said, it wasn't bad.. it wasn't good either, before smiling bright and giggling. "Sorry, Shou- You just looked so down." He explained. As if it wasn't his fault, as if its all in my head, as if this is all my fault. All my fault. Its always been my fault, hasn't it. ",And its not a good look with your ocean eyes, Shouto." Another moment of hesitation. "They sometimes make me want to cry on their own. Beautiful." He said, not giving me a moment to respond to any of the things he just did, the car revved up, making a semi loud noise, before we were on the road headed home, to the dorms.


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