Chapter 3: love

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It has been about a week since Golden Freddy appeared, Freddy has enjoyed being Golden Freddy's partner because Freddy has heard Golden Freddy's beautiful soft voice and his ocean blue eyes. Freddy has started to develop feeling for him. Little did Freddy know Golden Freddy has feelings for him as well. Freddy has decided to tell Golden Freddy his feelings.

"Hey Golden Freddy, can you follow me for a second?". Freddy said waving Golden over to him.

" Sure Freddy, what do you need?".

Freddy started to blush " Golden I have had these f-feeling that started to grow for y-you ever since I met you. I love you."

Golden Freddy started to blush as well " Freddy I love you as well".

"Really?!, you do??". Freddy said about to cry in joy.

" Of course I do". Golden said hugging Freddy.

"So do you want to Celebrate?~~". Freddy said in a flirty way.

" Sure~".

Golden Freddy X Freddy (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now