Yandere!Mirage x Fem!Reader

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A/N: "Healthy Ego" by Left Boy reminds me of Mirage? Maybe that's just me..

A/N: "Healthy Ego" by Left Boy reminds me of Mirage? Maybe that's just me

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Made an angsty-ish collage for this one because why not (꒪⌓꒪)

This oneshot was originally two parts, but it was very scattered/messy and seemed less romance-y and I apologize for that, I just figured I needed to patch it up and post it so it's out of the way, since I get stressed easily (anxiety.) I tend to get to the scenarios before patching it; don't let that discourage you! I'm just often busy since writing hasn't really been a main hobby for me, I'm an artist. I've been illustating comics for a while.



Word Count: 918

It was well after another successful battle, and the winning squads were celebrating. Though I can be an ambivert at times, I mostly just prefer to stay inside, within the comfort of my own home; at least when it came to parties. Nonetheless of this, I still find myself sitting at a bar, drink in hand.

"I didn't think you'd show up, I didn't think you were one for this kinda' stuff.." I heard a voice behind me, I recognized as Elliot. I continue to stare down at the countertop, relishing the taste of the last of the hard liquor before setting my glass down. He sits down on the barstool next to me.

"Can I.. confess something, Y/N?" My head shot up at these words, before once more slowly turning to its original angle as I started to second guess myself. I had always loved Elliott, though I had never put any thought into the idea of him liking me back. He was always flirting with other girls, but never had I considered his frequent, longing sideways glances at me; until now.

"Yeah..?" I hesitantly said.

"I think you need another drink." He suddenly said. I sighed, almost in relief rather than disappointment as I tapped my fingers on the edge of my empty glass in thought. He was right; I was a nervous wreck after the last Apex battle.

My mind went back to the battle, remembering how Bangalore, my [sister, friend, girlfriend whatever you like] was badly injured during the battle. Not only was she in our squad, but I hadn't seen any other enemies in the area, even with the tracking device Bloodhound had helped me make. At the time, I decided to dismiss it as a quick kill.

"What did you do to Anita?" I suddenly said, no longer paying attention to the bartender as they slid another drink in my direction.

"Nothing that didn't need to be done, sweetheart.." I felt his warmth as he shifted closer to me.

"Nothing that was /right/, either." I snicker in response, hoping he was joking. I looked up, my smile fading after seeing his expression turn serious.

"What do you mean?"

"She was in my way." He stared down at the counter and leaned his face against his hand, running his fingers across the marble pattern of the counter before getting closer to my hand and taking it.

"That still doesn't answer my question, Eliott, what was she stopping you from?" I open my mouth to ask another question, but he then gets out of his seat and takes my hand.

"Let me answer it, then." Though he smiled at me, I felt chills run down my spine. I felt the alcohol start to get to me as the bar's music blared in my ears, sighing as the cold air hits my skin. I look around to see that we're outside, suddenly yelping after he deftly pins my to a wall by his arm and his other hand go to my face.

"Elliott, you're not you, y-you're.." my voice trailed off at his touch, feeling his hand caress my face as my eyes lost track of where his left was going.

"I'm the same as I'll ever be, as you, you're.. Perfect.." His voice seemed to crack at the last word, I myself not noticing my face moving further from his.

"That won't matter now, I'll be here, and.. you won't.."

I prayed that he wasn't allusioning to where my mind started to wander, but the more I stared back at him, the more the vexatious glint in his eyes shifted to hostility.

"But you can't just run off like that, I-I need you.." he continued, effortlessly paying no mind to my retorts.

"No, you don't!" I spat, feeling his elbow almost painfully pinning my shoulder against the cold surface behind me. I breathed out, flinching after feeling his soft lips trail up my neck before nipping right below my ear.

"But if I can't have you.."

After I heard the swift noise of metal against metal, my cry could only be cut off by a gasp as I felt him harshly force a knife into my chest. Seconds felt like an eternity; not even his elbow leaving a bruises against my shoulder relieving me from his repeated perforating. I tried to stay alive, but after looking back on a world where Elliott loved me like this, to where I was a human necessity rather than merely a want, I didn't mind as I started to sink down to the ground in defeat. In my last few moments, I felt a pair of warm lips crash against my cold ones.

"No one can."

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